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Presented by: Sujata Karki Sita Maharjan.  Conflict is abnormal  All conflict is harmful and must be avoided  Conflict is the result of personal pathology.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Sujata Karki Sita Maharjan.  Conflict is abnormal  All conflict is harmful and must be avoided  Conflict is the result of personal pathology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Sujata Karki Sita Maharjan

2  Conflict is abnormal  All conflict is harmful and must be avoided  Conflict is the result of personal pathology.  Anger is the main emotion in conflict.

3  Conflicts is normal  People have choices in how they respond to conflicts  People can solve their own conflict  We all contribute to our conflicts consciously or unconsciously  Reconciliation is possible in a wide range of situations

4  Definition: Conflict is a result of opposing thoughts, ideas, feelings, perceptions, behaviors, values, opinions, or actions between individual.  It is an inevitable part of professional, social, and personal life that can result in both constructive or destructive consequences. ( Marquis & Huston, 2009)

5  Poor communication  Inadequately defined organizational structure  Individual behavior ( disagreements based on differences of temperament or attitudes, beliefs, or values)  Unclear expectations  Operational or staffing changes  Diversity in gender, culture, or age (

6 1. Constructive 1. Destructive

7  Intrapersonal: Occurs within the person

8  Interpersonal: Occurs between two or more people, each having different values, goals, and beliefs

9  Intergroup: Occurs between two or more groups of people, departments, or organizations


11 “ I prefer that we both win” “ I avoid dealing with my enemy” “ It’s really ok for me to lose” “ I am fine winning sometimes and also losing sometimes” “” I always have to win”

12 Collaboration Avoidance Accommodation Compromise Competitio n

13 Compromise (Zebra) (Negotiate) “ I win, Sometime I Lose” Competition (Lion) ( Aggression and Fight) “ I win, You lose” Accommodation (Self-Sacrifice) “ You Win, I Lose” Avoidance ( Turtle) (Passivity/Withd rawal) “ I don’t care Collaboration ( Dolphin) (Mutuality) “ I win, you win ”

14  Emotional response  Cognitive response  Physical response

15  Relationship focus: Relationship Focus 1. Focus on behaviors and issues 2. Choose well intentioned effort 3. Maintain a fair, respectful communication style with careful listening 4. Expect and accept another’s right to disagree 5. Honor the value of disagreement Issue focus: Issue Focus Relationship Focus 1. Focus on behaviors and issues 2. Choose well intentioned effort 3. Maintain a fair, respectful communication style with careful listening 4. Expect and accept another’s right to disagree 5. Honor the value of disagreement. Issue Focus. 1. Identify and define the conflict in specific terms 2. Generate alternative solutions 3. Select “best” course of action 4. Implement a plan of action 5. Follow-up to evaluate the solutions

16  Mediation  Fact Finding  Arbitration  Ombudspersons ( Marquis & Huston, 2009)

17  Listening behavior  Conduct positive rapport ( asking questions)  Control of negative verbal and nonverbal characteristics ( facial expression, emotions, language)  Being open minded  Be honest

18 CIOS. (2009). The Nature of Conflict. Retrieved September 24, 2009 from Communication Institute for Online Scholarship: Kantek, F., & Gezer, N. (2009). Conflict in school: Student nurses’ conflict management styles. Nurse Education Today, 29, 100-107. Marquis, B.L. & Huston, J.H. (2009). Managing conflict. In Leadership Roles and management Functions in Nursing (p. 487-511. USA : Wolters Kluwer Health| Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc. Sui,H., M., Spence Laschinger, H.K., & Finegan, J. (2008). Nursing professional practice environments: settings the stage for constructive conflict resolution and work effectiveness. The Journal of Nursing Administration 38, 250-257. doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000312772 Boone, B.N., King, M.L., Gresham, L.S., Wahl, P., & Suh, E. (2008). Conflict management training and nurse-physician collaborative behaviors. Journal of Nurses in staff development, 24, 168-175. doi:10.1097/01.0000320670.56415.91

19 Group Activity

20 Article discussion

21 Thanks a lot!!!!!

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