Third Grade Orientation 2015-2016. School Supplies 1 (2 inch) zippered binder 1 (1 inch) clearview 3 ring binder 2 three-prong pocket folders 2 packs.

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1 Third Grade Orientation 2015-2016

2 School Supplies 1 (2 inch) zippered binder 1 (1 inch) clearview 3 ring binder 2 three-prong pocket folders 2 packs of five dividers 2 packs of notebook paper (wide ruled) 2 marble composition notebooks Colored pencils Highlighters, glue sticks, scissors, pencils red pens, dry erase markers hand held pencil sharpener with shavings catcher zippered pencil pouch earbuds or headphones boys: 3 boxes of tissues girls: 4 post-its and 1 box of ziploc bags

3 Organization I t is very important that our students stay organized. In an effort to build this skill, we will maintain a daily communication binder. This binder will include resources for all subjects. Each student will keep their agenda in this binder. Please check this daily for important information.

4 Agenda The student agendas have been provided for us by our wonderful PTA. Homework, upcoming projects, due dates, etc. will be recorded in the agenda. Please check the agenda daily. Important login information will be in the front to help allow students to log in to various websites from home.

5 Homework Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday. We use homework to reinforce learned skills. Homework IS expected to be completed daily. Reading homework will be assigned nightly. Students who read 3,000 minutes will receive an award at the end of the year.


7 Work Folders Folders will be sent home on Tuesdays. Please make sure you look through all work with your child, sign necessary papers and the folder and return it on Wednesdays.

8 Lunch *Student lunches are $2.20 a day, breakfast is $1.35, milk is $0.50. *You are welcome to meet us in the cafeteria if you plan to join us for lunch. *Outside food is prohibited in the cafeteria. Please schedule birthday celebrations with your child’s teacher. *You may pay by check, cash, or at ***Student lunch numbers have changed this year and can be found in the front of your agenda.

9 PRIDE Rules P Please use an inside voice R Raise your hand to talk I Instructions are to be followed D Do your work in your assigned area E encourage others and work cooperatively Step 1: When the rule is broken, the student will be given a verbal reminder. Step 2: If the student continues to break rules, the teacher will remind the students individually about making good choices. The student will change their card to yellow. Step 3: If the student continues to break any rules, the teacher will have the student change their card to red and a parent notification will be sent home. Step 4: If student continues to be disruptive or refuses to follow classroom rules, the teacher may send the student to in school time out.

10 Paperwork for me… Index Card (must be completed here) Orange Emergency Contact Card (for our classroom) Student Information Sheet Student Accountability Agreement Verification Form Digital Release Form (internet acceptance agreement) BlueTransportation Form

11 Paperwork for you… JCS Parent Gazette JCS Curriculum Brochure PTA Membership drive Silent Partners Back Pack Buddies BlackBoard Connect Parent Portal

12 Be involved… Check agendas DAILY. Provide a quiet homework area. Encourage responsibility. Collect box tops, labels for education, water bottles. Join the PTA ! They may reward our classroom.

13 How will your child get home from school? *school bus *car pool *daycare van *After School Care *****Please make sure I know how your child is getting home before you leave tonight. *****

14 Contact Information Amanda DiCecco 919-553-3259

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