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RUSSIAN GAMING WEEK CONGRESS Maximising the value of your casino license

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Presentation on theme: "RUSSIAN GAMING WEEK CONGRESS Maximising the value of your casino license"— Presentation transcript:

1 RUSSIAN GAMING WEEK CONGRESS Maximising the value of your casino license

2 Maximising the value of the casino license – experience, expertise, partnership

3 Maximising the value of your casino license – Public Sector Casinos are a proven private sector regeneration intervention Jobs, local economy, inward investment, build quality, public realm Catalyst for future investment and prosperity How many casinos…where…when…what…how Competitive licence process Quality and content of the proposed development Deliverability capability and track record of developer Operational capability of the casino partner Responsible gambling and regulatory track record Robustness of financial assumptions and ‘covenant’ strength Deliver the greatest local economic impact Opportunity for commitments to local causes & tourism

4 Maximising the value of your casino license – Private Developer and Investor Competitive landscape - both supply and demand Development differentiation Maximising investment – operationally and commercially Commercial partnership Landlord and tenant Management Agreement JV Operational partnership - competitive licence process Operator quality International expertise Experience of operating with hotels and other attractions Robustness of financial assumptions and financial strength Responsible gambling and regulatory track record Marketing, promotions and customer service standards

5 Maximising the value of your casino license – Joint Considerations Over supply or the right supply to maximise value Development and content quality with a mix of attractions Quality of casino operations – design, content, service, promotions Hotel occupancy and market positioning Changes in casino regulation in existing and surrounding countries Stable tax environment from the government Regulatory understanding, appreciation and working partnership Maximise local economic impact for collective benefit Public and private demand a high quality of operation

6 Securing a casino license – Casino operator and investor Competitive and transparent process International track record – casino, hotels and other attractions Responsible gambling, compliance and regulatory track record Covenant strength Ownership structure Robustness of financial assumptions Commercial terms Branding, marketing and promotional strategy Customer service standards Speed of delivery and quality of professional team

7 International lessons Too many casinos Over supply of machines and tables Casino space too large/ wrong location Not enough operator due diligence Capability of the operator Covenant strength and financial robustness Insufficient regulatory control, process and compliance Hotel occupancy, positioning and operational arrangements Development and content that provides insufficient differentiation

8 Questions Maximising the value of your casino license - Questions

9 RUSSIAN GAMING WEEK CONGRESS Maximising the value of your casino license - Questions Maximising the value of your casino license - Questions 0044 7976 180292

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