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Time manager as capital and resource. What is the time-managment?  Time managment is a way of life and work, which use their time in the most economical.

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Presentation on theme: "Time manager as capital and resource. What is the time-managment?  Time managment is a way of life and work, which use their time in the most economical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time manager as capital and resource

2 What is the time-managment?  Time managment is a way of life and work, which use their time in the most economical manner.  Modern managers think of time as: -Resource, -Money, -Productivity tool that must be managed in how we want to be better than others

3 Time is… money-?! investment specific capital factor productivity

4 The goal of time management Is represented by the following parameters: Increasing efficiency and inefficiency in business organizations, Increasing the time of dealing with important matters, By delegating some tasks that can be done for us

5 MANAGER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO MANAGE TIME WITH HIM 1. There will be no effective 1.It will be ineffective 2.They will not progress in business 3.Will have a good chance to "chance" to become interchangeable 4.His subordinates will not be able to exercising a good deal 5.His superiors will it begin to be considered for anyone who spends time wasted

6 Reasons for not time management They can be: -psychological, -external and -Internal reasons.

7 Psychological reasons No clear set goals and work, Fear of free time, Fear of loss of creativity, Health problems (reduced energy level), Chaotic situation at work and The presence of more roles...

8 External reasons Character social system, The employment rate, i.e. Unemployment, Location to the organization.

9 Internal reasons Disorganized colleagues, Wrong timeshare, Not enough competent people to solve problems, Taking care of business instead of the other, The task too complex, Workspace not organized and inappropriate, Permanent presence of thieves time (cell phone...)

10 Four rules for their own time management, and has been successfully: 1. Clearly defined objectives, 2. Ability to full with concentration during work, 3. Doing the job at the right time, 4. Making scheduling work activities.

11 Successful manager must keep in mind to work for money and for profit, to work during that brings money, profits and successful career and all this brings success. times money profit success


13 Way of saving time: -Car -Dictaphone -Mail -Laptop -Print media -Fixed and mobile phone -Coffee -Bank

14 Premise - …is that women managers are successful time management because they are forced to balance between home (caring for the household, children, etc) and work or perform a dual role.

15 Statistics says : Activities time management M±SD t- value Sign.Sign. MenWomen Setting goals4,12±0,814,12±0,814,03±0,870,6410,5230,523 Making a daily list of tasks 3,87±1,023,87±1,023,90±1,12-0,1890,8500,850 Setting Priorities4,37±0,794,37±0,794,00±1,01 2,4970,0140,014 delegating tasks 3,92±1,063,92±1,063,72±1,181,1100,2690,269 Planning a "period of peace" to perform important tasks 3,17±1,153,17±1,152,97±1,131,0560,2930,293 Entering the obligation and the estimated time for their perform the daily schedule 3,42±1,143,42±1,143,52±1,24-0,4790,6320,632 Perform tasks by priority 3,91±0,993,91±0,993,97±1,10-0,3210,7480,748 Comparison of planned and realized at the end of the day 3,53±1,093,53±1,093,72±0,99-1,0430,2990,299 Determination of activities that steal time and their elimination 3,07±1,043,07±1,043,00±1,060,3830,7020,702 Know how to say "no" to enough time left for important tasks 2,94±1,162,94±1,162,95±1,14-0,0290,9770,977 The average results 3,63±0,563,63±0,563,57±0,560,5740,5670,567


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