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The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 85 In the period following World War II there were many books and articles published that showed how.

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Presentation on theme: "The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 85 In the period following World War II there were many books and articles published that showed how."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 85 In the period following World War II there were many books and articles published that showed how

2 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 86 people are capable of putting complexes on other people (damaging other people psychologically) by saying unfair things about them or doing unfair things to them and then denying that they have done anything

3 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 87 wrong. There were a lot of people at that time who believed that by the year 2000 people would no longer want to gain feelings of personal power by taking advantage of other people psychologically. It was

4 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 88 thought that once people realized the manner in which they were hurting other people, they would want to stop doing it. Over the past few years a new class of people

5 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 89 (the warrior class) has developed. These are people who take pride in taking advantage of people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. Instead of using the information that has been

6 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 90 published on psychological weaknesses to help other people become stronger, they have studied that information and they have used that information to further damage people who have been damaged enough

7 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 91 already. They have also used that information to continue making spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people into their spiritual slaves.

8 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 92 But recently something new has started to take place. It appears that we have started to enter an era where the new class of warriors who have taken such pride in taking advantage of spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

9 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 93 people and making them into their spiritual slaves have developed such a strong dislike for the people who they have been dominating through the years that they are starting to want to have nothing to do with these

10 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 94 vulnerable people. The warriors are so sick of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people that they don't even want them around as spiritual slaves anymore.

11 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 95 Being as we may be moving away from the time in history where people are forced to serve as spiritual slaves it is probably better for spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people not to spend too much time

12 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 96 worrying about what happens when one person is forced to serve as another person's spiritual slave. We do seem to be moving into a period of time where there will be less of that sort of thing going on. Nonetheless, it might be

13 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 97 useful for spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people to have a basic understanding of what happens when one person serves as another person's spiritual slave. As the old practice of people using

14 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 98 other people as spiritual slaves slowly fades away there will still be situations where someone gets forced into the role of a spiritual slave by another person.

15 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 99 When a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person becomes another person's spiritual slave, they end up absorbing the pressure that should be going to the people who have attacked them and who have

16 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 100 made them into their spiritual slaves. They have to deal with not only the pressure in their own lives but they also have to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the people who have made them into spiritual slaves.

17 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 101 If they eventually, with insight into the nature of their situation, get some sort of psychological release where they no longer feel the need to absorb the pressure of the people who made them into a spiritual slave, they will

18 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 102 notice very soon that they will have increased pressure put upon them by people in their group who are upset that the person who made them into a spiritual slave is not happy about the new situation where they have to absorb the

19 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 103 pressure that was previously absorbed for them by the spiritual slave. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person might also be accused of being evil after they break free from their

20 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 104 spiritual slavery. The ones who have been using them as spiritual slaves might say that they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them and they might claim that the spiritually and

21 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 105 psychologically vulnerable person is evil and has put a curse on them and that is why they are feeling increased negative spiritual energy coming into them. Actually, they are just feeling the negative spiritual

22 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 106 energy that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person had been absorbing for them through the years. But being as the person who made the more vulnerable person into a spiritual slave is going

23 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 107 through obvious spiritual and psychological pain as a result of what has occurred, it will appear to anyone observing the situation that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person probably has in fact

24 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 108 put some sort of a curse on the other person. The group will now cast the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person in the role of an evil person and the vulnerable person will be forced to go back into their

25 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 109 old role where they were being forced to absorb the pressure that is being directed towards the person who had made the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person into their spiritual slave.

26 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 110 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). In the following graphic you see what happens if Person B manages to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)

27 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 111 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. As can be expected, Person C will probably not be very happy about having to absorb the pressure that is now coming into them from Person A (pressure that was once being absorbed for them by Person B). Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)

28 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 112 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) being forced to absorb pressure that is being sent by the person on the left (Person A) to the person on the right (Person C). For a short time Person B had managed to get out of the line of fire, but then Person C complained that Person B had put a curse on them that was sending negative spiritual energy into them. The negative spiritual energy was actually coming from Person A, but the group forced Person B to once again start absorbing the pressure that was being sent by Person A to Person C. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)

29 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 113 Spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have a lot of trouble breaking free from their spiritual slavery because they don't understand the complex nature of spiritual forces and the dynamics of what

30 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 114 happens when a member of the warrior class steals their spiritual power. The warrior is probably just using the spiritual energy that they take from the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person to help the warrior

31 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 115 cheat somebody out of something to gain some sort of a temporary personal gain. By merging their own spiritual energy with the spiritual energy that they have taken from the spiritually and

32 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 116 psychologically vulnerable person, they are able to spiritually overpower and control the person who they are trying to cheat because their spiritual levels will be higher after taking the vulnerable person's spiritual

33 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 117 energy than the spiritual energy levels of the person who they are trying to cheat. The warriors know that spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people tend to think that things of a spiritual nature

34 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 118 must be divine and altruistic so they know that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person will not be able to understand how the warrior is using the spiritual energy that they are stealing from

35 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 119 the vulnerable person. Due to the fact that the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person does not know how their spiritual energy is being used by the warrior, it will be hard for them to develop enough

36 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 120 insight into the situation to be able to avoid having their spiritual energy stolen from them by that warrior (and by other warriors) in the future.

37 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 121 In general, there seems to be more competition between members of the same sex than competition between members of the opposite sex. Early in life, people are sometimes taken advantage by members of their own sex

38 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 122 who they are competing with and sometimes members of their own sex do unfair things to them that steal their spiritual energy from them. But people who are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

39 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 123 also have competition with members of the opposite sex. It is a different type of competition than they have with members of their own sex but it ends up in many ways being similar to their

40 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 124 competition with members of their own sex. For an example of this, lets take the case of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man. Early in life he becomes a spiritual slave

41 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 125 and he is forced to start absorbing negative spiritual energy that is being directed towards the person who made the vulnerable person into a spiritual slave. He finds it difficult to break free from this situation because whenever

42 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 126 he manages to, with insight, break free from his spiritual slavery, the one who made him into a spiritual slave becomes unhappy because they are now being forced to absorb more negative

43 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 127 spiritual energy than they had been absorbing before (they did not need to absorb as much negative spiritual energy before when the spiritual slave was absorbing the negative spiritual energy for them) and they will find a

44 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 128 way to force the vulnerable man back into his role as a spiritual slave. As he grows up he will get involved in situations where other men will steal his spiritual energy. The men who steal

45 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 129 the vulnerable person's spiritual energy will use the spiritual energy that they receive from the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man to gain some sort of personal advantage for themselves. For example,

46 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 130 by merging their own spiritual energy with the energy that they take from the vulnerable man, they might be able to spiritually overpower and control a man who they are trying to cheat. They may be able to cheat a man who they

47 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 131 were not capable of cheating before because now, with the extra spiritual energy that they have received from the vulnerable man, their levels of spiritual energy will be higher than the spiritual energy levels of the man who

48 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 132 they are trying to cheat and they will now be able to spiritually overpower and control the other man. The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man in this example will

49 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 133 also be expected to serve as a spiritual slave to the women that he knows while he is growing up. While he may be attracted to the women he knows, he will not be allowed by the group that has made him into a spiritual

50 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 134 slave to get into a genuine relationship with any of the women. The group cannot allow that because if the vulnerable man was to have a genuine relationship with any of the women, then the women were are using him as

51 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 135 a spiritual slave would no longer have any power over him and would not be able to continue to steal his spiritual energy. As to the dynamics of what happens when a woman

52 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 136 steals the spiritual energy of a man who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable, what probably occurs is something like the following. In a similar manner to what happens when a man steals the vulnerable man's

53 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 137 spiritual energy and uses it to gain a temporary personal advantage, a woman who steals the vulnerable man's spiritual energy can take the spiritual energy that she has stolen from him and she can merge it with her own

54 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 138 spiritual energy. By merging her own spiritual energy with the spiritual energy that she has taken from the vulnerable man, she might be able to spiritually overpower and control another woman who she is trying to cheat out of

55 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 139 something. She might be able to cheat a woman who she was not capable of cheating before because now, with the extra spiritual energy that she has received from the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

56 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 140 man, her levels of spiritual energy will be higher than the spiritual energy levels of the woman who she is trying to cheat and she will be able to spiritually overpower and control the other woman.

57 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 141 But there is another factor to take into account when trying to figure out the dynamics of what happens when a man or a woman steals the spiritual energy of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man. A man who steals the

58 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 142 spiritually energy of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man might use part of the spiritual energy that he steals to give him enough spiritual energy to make a romantic conquest of a woman who

59 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 143 had previously not yielded to his advances. By merging his own spiritual energy with the spiritual energy of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man, he might be able to spiritually overpower and

60 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 144 control a woman who he had not been able to get involved with before. And in the same way, a woman who steals the spiritually energy of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man might use part of the

61 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 145 spiritual energy that she steals from him to give her enough spiritual energy to make a romantic conquest of a man who had previously not yielded to her advances. By merging her own spiritual energy with the

62 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 146 spiritual energy of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable man, she might be able to spiritually overpower and control a man who she had not been able to get involved with before. When we try to

63 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 147 understand why spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people might sometimes seem to be more hostile towards members of the opposite sex than they are towards members of their own sex, we might want to

64 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 148 look at the dynamics of what happens when men and women steal the spiritual energy of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person. If a man or a woman steals the spiritual energy of someone of their own sex and

65 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 149 uses part of that spiritual energy to get involved in a romantic relationship with someone of the opposite sex, it might be at least a moderately pleasurable experience for that

66 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 150 vulnerable person of their own sex (who is naturally attracted to members of the opposite sex) to be a part of that involvement. But if someone steals the spiritual energy of someone of the opposite sex and forces them

67 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 151 to become a part of a romantic involvement they have with a member of the vulnerable person's own sex (who the vulnerable person is not naturally attracted to)

68 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 152 the vulnerable person might find the experience to be unpleasant. We've all been told that we should "Keep It Simple" but spiritually and psychologically vulnerable

69 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 153 people have some complex issues to deal with. While they need to learn how to prevent the men and women they know from stealing their spiritual energy, they also need to realize that they may have developed underlying

70 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 154 hostilities towards members of the opposite sex who have stolen their spiritual energy and who have put the vulnerable person's spiritual energy into unwanted relationships with members

71 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 155 of the vulnerable person's own sex. The vulnerable person needs to, with insight, learn how to stop having their spiritual energy stolen from them. They also need to, with insight, learn to realize that they should not feel guilty for

72 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 156 having been forced to put their spiritual energy into unwanted relationships with members of their own sex (by having their spiritual energy stolen by members of the opposite sex who put the vulnerable person's spiritual

73 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 157 energy into relationships that those people had with members of the vulnerable person's own sex). Then the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person should hopefully be able to, with insight into what

74 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 158 has been happening to them through the years, start to finally get free of their hostilities towards members of the opposite sex and also start to get free of their hostilities towards members of their own sex. Finally, with

75 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 159 insight into the situation, they should hopefully be able to start breaking free from the underlying spiritual slavery that is constantly robbing them of their spiritual energy.

76 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 160 Below is an example of a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person (Person B) managing to get out of the line of fire between Person A and Person C. Once before, Person B had gotten out of the line of fire but then Person C complained about the increased pressure they were feeling and the group forced Person B to absorb the pressure once again. This time, with insight into the situation, Person B was able to get out of the line of fire and was able to stay out of the line of fire. Person A (a person who is pressuring Person C) Person B (a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person) Person C (a person who has made Person B their spiritual slave)

77 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 161 It appears that cultures throughout the world are starting to move away from old fashioned practice of using spiritual slaves. Of course, it will take some time for this change to take place. In the meantime,

78 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 162 it would be good for all of us, those of us who serve as spiritual slaves and those of us who do not serve as spiritual slaves, to keep trying to understand more about the nature of spiritual slavery. The transition from

79 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 163 the old way of doing things to whatever new order that may develop will probably be smoother if we can learn to understand more about

80 The Philosophy of Exotischism An Overview 164 the dynamics of the old fashioned practice of using other people as spiritual slaves. Copyright 2009 Don Bergquist

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