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7 Habits Reading/Response

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Presentation on theme: "7 Habits Reading/Response"— Presentation transcript:

1 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 8 (What Exactly are Habits?) through page 9. Change the Bad to Good!! Make a list of Bad Habits you currently have in the following categories and then think of a Good Habit you can replace it with. In School (list 3) With My Family (list 3) With My Friends (list 3) Other (list 2)

2 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages (Paradigms of Self) Stop before Paradigms of Others After reading, answer the following questions/prompts: Some positive paradigms I have about myself are: If someone were going to name something after me, it would be: Some negative paradigms I have about myself are: Paradigms that my parents or guardians, boss at work, or teachers at school might have about me are:

3 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 16-18 Answer the following prompt about paradigms of others – Someone I may have judged inaccurately without having all the details is: I will change that paradigm by (describe the actions you can take immediately): Answer the following prompt about paradigms of life – What is the driving force of my life? What do I spend my time thinking about? Who or what is my obsession? * Whatever is important to you will become your paradigm, your glasses, or your life center.

4 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 19-25 Think of principles as your life center and your hobbies and interests as spokes on the wheel. Make a wheel with 8 spokes at least (like the one on the board). Write the word principles in the middle and fill in the spokes with your principles What are some principles you identified that you would like to “grow” or “make more of”? I will make more of them by: (list some actions you can take to develop these principles more) The date I will begin doing this is:

5 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 27 (A word about Baby Steps) and 28 Choose 3 baby steps you would like to start taking and list them. What do you think you will learn in life from taking these baby steps?

6 Baby Steps Look in mirror and say something positive about yourself
Show appreciation for someone When you have nothing to do, think of what matters to you most Treat others as you would want to be treated Find a quiet place where you can be alone Listen carefully to the lyrics of the music you listen to and evaluate if they are in harmony with your life principles Go the extra mile and do more than is expected of you

7 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages ( The Personal Bank Acct.) Complete this sentences: If I could change one thing about the world, it would be … One change I could make in myself that might help bring about that worldwide change is… I think that an inside-out change could help others around me because…

8 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages and STOP after “keep promises to yourself” Answer the following prompts/questions: When I promise myself I will do something and don’t keep the promise, I feel… The promise to myself I wish I could keep, but keep failing to do is… The reason I can’t keep this promise is because… The 2 or 3 little promises to myself that, if done, would help me keep the big promise are: ____________, _____________, ______________

9 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read the “Do Small Acts of Kindness” section on page and complete the statements below. Three people in my life who could benefit from an act of kindness are: 1. 2. 3. An anonymous act of kindness I could do for each of the 3 people I listed is:

10 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 37 (Be Gentle with Yourself) through page 44 Have you ever watched those TV shows that search for the worlds most talented person? Have you seen other shows that encourage you to send in a home video of yourself doing something outrageous? If a TV camera crew came to my home to film me doing a crazy talent, I would start doing: My closet friend would say that my craziest talent is: My closest friend’s craziest talent is: “All of us are crazy good in one way or another.” – Yiddish Saying

11 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages (Habit 1 – Be Proactive) Answer the following prompts: I tend to be most reactive: (when & where) I tend to be the most proactive: (when & where) The difficult challenge in life I’m faced with right now is: I can face the challenge today and become a change agent by: (describe your actions)

12 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 51 and answer the following questions I think my language is mostly: A phrase I use a lot that is proactive is: A phrase I use a lot that is reactive is: I can replace my reactive phrases with the following proactive phrases: Someone in my life who is a really good example of how to use proactive langauge is:

13 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 52-55 Make a circle of control as seen on page 55 In the inner circle, list some things you can control in your life In the outer circle, list some things you can’t control One thing in my Circle of No Control that I constantly worry about is: I can stop worrying about that one thing by:

14 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 56-60 Complete the following prompts for response to your reading: One habit that has been passed down to me that I would like to change or improve is: The history of the bad habit is: (where did it come from and how has it affected your family’s life) This bad habit has affected my life in these ways: By changing that bad habit, my life will be different in these ways: To change that bad habit, I can do the following every day:

15 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 61-65 Answer the following prompts: A Can Do person I admire is: This person is a “can do” person because: Their “can do” attitude helped this person overcome the following obstacles: By having a “can do” attitude, this person has had the following successes: An obstacle in my life that is preventing me from accomplishing my goal is: I can use the “can do” approach to overcome this obstacle by:

16 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 66-70 Sometimes you don’t think about what you are doing…you just do it! Someone pushes you and you push back. To make smarter decisions, use your toolbox of human tools! Choose one of the human tools. Imagine you are a personal trainer for the human tool that you chose. Design a training program on your own program to strengthen the human tool.

17 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read page 74 – The Crossroads of Life on page 76 Daily you face questions about issues that will affect your future beginning right now. Decide now how you will respond to these questions before you face them and have to decide without thinking. Schoolwork: Sex: Drugs:

18 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read, beginning on page 76, What About Friends, and continue reading to page 80 My best friends and friends I hang out with are: The fun stuff we do together is: The interests we have in common is: Someone I know who values education and learning in school is: Having a vision of who and where you want to be in the future is important because: The consequences of not having a vision are: The choices I make as a teenager can affect me when I’m older in the following ways:

19 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages “A Personal Mission Statement” In your book, complete pages in “The Great Discovery” section Craft your own mission statement! Answer the prompt: I will make a difference everyday by …

20 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages 90-93 Imagine you are walking down the hallway in your school. A girl/boy whom you’ve never seen before is walking in the opposite direction. Most likely the first thing you will notice about them is: Does what you notice about them make you give them an instant label? Why or Why not? What if your observation about the girl/boy is not right? How can you mentally remove the label you gave them? A label I have put on someone in the past is: I gave that person the label because: The label affected the way I treated him/her because:

21 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read page (Go For the Goal) Complete the statements below about how goals helped David: Goals helped David get where he wanted to go because: Some things that might have happened if David hadn’t set goals are: Now answer these questions for yourself: My life can be different by setting goals because: Setting goals helps me Begin with the End in Mind by:

22 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages (Habit 3 – Put First things First) One way to fill your precious time with worthwhile activities is to identify your most important priorities RIGHT NOW. Then you can do the activities that support those priorities. List 2 of your highest priorities on the left side of your paper and list the activities you will do to fulfill those priorities on the right side of the paper.

23 7 Habits Reading/Response
Read pages Complete the survey to think about how much time you spend on each item in an average week Attending classes Attending religious events Doing chores Doing extracurricular activities Doing homework Dressing/Hygeine Eating Sleeping Time with family Time with friends Studying Working other Do I actually have more to do in one day than I have time for?

24 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Where do you spend your time? Do the things that matter the most to you fill up your day? Where do you waste time? When are you the most productive?

25 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Think of a time when you acted in the face of fear and took a risk to move outside of your comfort zone. What did you learn?

26 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Under what circumstances do you need to step outside of your comfort zone and exercise more courage? What holds you back form moving into your courage zone? How can you act more courageously?

27 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Congratulations! You are half way done with the book! How much impact does peer pressure have on you? Identify the person or people who have the most influence upon you. Ask yourself, “Am I doing what I want to do or what they want me to do?”

28 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p “The Relationship Bank Account” What is the most powerful deposit someone has made into your RBA? Copy the list of RBA deposits and RBA withdrawals from p. 134 into your journal. Star the 3 deposits that are your greatest strengths.

29 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p “One kind word can warm three winter months” Japanese saying Identify three small acts of kindness you can complete this week.

30 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Copy the baby steps (in bold) from page 144. Identify one baby step you can complete for each of these 6 baby steps.

31 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Write about an experience where you had a win-lose mentality. How did you feel? Would you do things differently now?

32 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Write your definition of win-win thinking. Complete the following sentences: It is hardest for me to think win-win when: It is easiest for me to think win-win when: When I practice win-win thinking, I enjoy the following benefits:

33 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Competition is healthy when it’s approached with a good attitude. How has competition helped you? How has it hurt you? How do you handle competition?

34 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Think about your general attitude toward life. Is it based on Win-Lose, Lose-Win, Lose-Lose, or Win-Win thinking? How is that attitude affecting you? Think of a person who you feel is a model of Win-Win. What is it about this person you admire?

35 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p When was the last time you tried walking in someone else’s shoes? What was the experience like- actually trying to consider another person’s point of view or idea before sharing yours? Describe what happened and what you learned

36 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Write your own definition of the following listening styles: Spacing out: Pretend listening: Selective listening: Word listening: Self-Centered listening: Genuine listening:

37 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Mirroring is repeating back in your own words what another person is saying and feeling. You don’t judge or give advice. Write a mirroring response for each of the following situations. “No, you are not going out tonight!” “You said I was the only one you wanted to be with, but that’s not what I heard!”

38 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p When do you have the most difficult time giving feedback to others? Why? If you genuinely listen to another person, what happens when you then express your feelings, ideas, suggestions, or opinions? What can you do to improve your practice of the second half of Habit 5, to be understood?

39 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p To build and create synergy you have to look for it. You have to see that each individual is unique and value that uniqueness. Name some synergistic relationships in nature, in your school, and in your home.

40 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Complete the exercise on p. 187, add up your totals. Find your fruit on p and review what this may mean to you. Copy your fruit description in your journal entry today

41 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p When have you gotten caught up in ignorance or prejudice? When someone makes a derogatory comment, how do you react? Write about how you view diversity in the world and what it means to you.

42 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Copy the Getting to Synergy “Action Plan” form p. 195 to your journal Define the Problem or Opportunity Their Way (seek to understand) My Way (seek to be understood) Brainstorm (create new options/ideas) High Way (find the best solution)

43 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Look around and notice how much synergy is going on all around you, such as two hands working together, teamwork, symbiotic relationships in nature, and creative problem solving. List three examples.

44 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Sharpen the saw is about renewing yourself and balancing the key areas of your life: physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual List three things you want to do to sharpen your saw in each of these categories Physical, relationships, spiritual, mental

45 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p What are your favorite foods? Do you feed yourself right, or are you a garbage dump? How can you make better choices? Remember to take care of your body and it will take care of you.

46 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages Caring for Your Brain… What are 5 different ways you could sharpen your mind daily? What do you feel is the key to your future?

47 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read p What do you to take care of your emotional and physical well-being? What activities make you feel good? What else can you to do to take good care of yourself?

48 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages How do you best control your emotions? How do you try to build lasting friendships? What is your daily approach to life?

49 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages When are some times that you can laugh at yourself…and learn to make light of because they are not worth losing your emotions over?

50 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages What are 3 ways you can try to feed YOUR soul daily?

51 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages Reflecting on your gratitude and positive events in your life will help you feel better when times are tough. Write down the top 5 things you are most thankful for or 5 positive things that have happened to you this week.

52 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages Your Spiritual Diet What types of media do you take in? Is it feeding your soul nutrients or loading it with nuclear waste?

53 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages What social, physical, or psychological addictions could you break to better yourself? Gossiping Shopping Overeating Too much TV watching or watching of the wrong types of programs

54 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read pages Which of these do you feel is most important and why? Body? Mind? Heart? Soul?

55 7 Habits Reading /Response
Read “Keep Hope Alive” page Out of the 7 Habits: Be Proactive Begin with the End in Mind Put First Things First Think Win-Win Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Synergize Sharpen the Saw Which do you remember the most about? Put an explanation of that habit in your own words.

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