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The Wisents in Ste Eulalie The wisent, or European bison (Bison bonasus) is the heaviest surviving land animal in Europe. Photo E.Dusher.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wisents in Ste Eulalie The wisent, or European bison (Bison bonasus) is the heaviest surviving land animal in Europe. Photo E.Dusher."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wisents in Ste Eulalie The wisent, or European bison (Bison bonasus) is the heaviest surviving land animal in Europe. Photo E.Dusher

2 A typical European bison, or wisent is about 2 m tall, and weighs nearly 1000 kg. It is typically smaller than the American bison or buffalo. Photo E.Dusher

3 About 2000 years ago, wisents lived throughout most of Europe - from Britain in the west, to Siberia in the east, and from Spain in the south, to Sweden in the north. Wisents lived not only in forests but also roamed grasslands. Photo E.Dusher

4 In Western Europe, wisents became extinct by the 11th century. In Poland they remained the property of the king. King Sigismund I of Poland instituted the death penalty for poaching a wisent in the mid-16th century in the mid-16th century. Despite these measures, and others, the wisent population continued to decline over the following four centuries. By the 17th century, the last remaining herds of bison could be found in protected reserves in the Bialowieza Forest Despite these measures, and others, the wisent population continued to decline over the following four centuries. By the 17th century, the last remaining herds of bison could be found in protected reserves in the Bialowieza Forest. Photo E.Dusher

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