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Author: Petrova Lena, 10 th v grade student Bondary secondary school 2013.

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1 Author: Petrova Lena, 10 th v grade student Bondary secondary school 2013

2 Aim: Aim: description of animals of the Red Book. Tasks:  Find out some information about animals which are on the brink of extinction.  Clear up what we can do to protect them.  Make an appeal to people.

3 Hypothesis If we don’t stop to kill animals they will extinct forever.

4 Siberian tiger Many conservation programs have been established to save the critically endangered Siberian tiger, whose numbers have dwindled to mere hundreds in the wild. There were once eight tiger subspecies, but three became extinct during the 20th century. Over the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced overall tiger populations from hundreds of thousands to perhaps 3,000 to 5,000.

5 The Amur leopard Far Eastern or Amur leopard is subspecies of leopard cats. The body length is 107-136 cm. In summer, their fur is short, in winter it grows up to 7 cm long. Currently, the Amur leopard is on the brink of total extinction. In nature, they are no more than 40 individuals.

6 Florida Panther Florida Panther Florida Panther is the most rare, endangered subspecies of the Puma. Its number in the nature estimated at only 25 to 50 individuals. It lives in the forests and swamps of South Florida (USA), mainly in the area of the reserve Big Cypress National Preserve was previously extended from the Eastern part of Texas to the South- Eastern States. The cause of its extinction was, mainly, wetland drainage, sport hunting.

7 American bison There are two extant and four extinct species recognized. Of the four extinct species, three were North American. The fourth the Bison priscus ranged across steppe environments from Western Europe, through Central Asia, and onto North America. There are two surviving species; the American bison, also known as the American buffalo, found only in North America, is the most numerous.

8 Scientists say that now 3 species of animals, birds or fish die out every hour. That means that in 100 years from 25 % to 50% of all living creatures on our planet will disappear. There are more than 1,000 animal species endangered worldwide. Every animal in the world is important to its ecosystem. if we lose an animal the ecosystem is thrown off and can cause large problems for the other animals in the area. Conclusion

9 How Can We Save Animals in Danger of Extinction? 1. Education (From a young age, understanding the threat of animal extinction can help people to consider how their actions and behaviors affect endangered species). 2. Habitat Protection (Do as much as possible to lessen the impact on their habitats. Species can be wiped out by having their homes demolished for human use). 3. Climate Change/Conservation (Climate change can affect animal populations. For example, the rising in temperatures can cause glaciers to melt and displace species, such as polar bears and arctic foxes). 4. Donations (Contribute funds to organizations dedicated to protecting them. The World Wildlife Fund and Save Animals from Extinction Worldwide, work to promote endangered and extinct animal awareness, protest the development of businesses or individuals that seek to damage their habitats and fund wildlife sanctuaries where endangered animals can be preserved).

10 Informational resources  ages/redbru00.jpg ages/redbru00.jpg  14/x_801fe423.jpg 14/x_801fe423.jpg  

11 Thanks for your attention!

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