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NOTEBOOK INSTRUCTIONS You need a graph-ruled comp. book.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTEBOOK INSTRUCTIONS You need a graph-ruled comp. book."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTEBOOK INSTRUCTIONS You need a graph-ruled comp. book.

2 NOTEBOOK INSTRUCTIONS 1. Outside Front Cover Write in ink:  Your Name (first and last)  class name (ESD or Honors CS)  class period  Mr. McLeod

3 2. Outside Edge Use a gold/silver Sharpie pen to neatly write your name. Mr. McLeod has sharpies. [SEE SAMPLES] Student photographer

4 3. September Calendar A note about tape…  Write your name on the calendar.  Tape calendar upside down on one edge so it’s like a flip chart and can be read when it’s flipped open.

5 4. Team Roles  Tape team roles on inside front cover so you can flip it and read the back side. TAPE HERE

6 5. Start a Table of Contents (TOC) on the first page: TABLE OF CONTENTS Date Topic Page

7 5. TOC, continued Save the next 4 pages for more table of contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS Date TopicPage # TABLE OF CONTENTS Date TopicPage # TABLE OF CONTENTS Date TopicPage # 123 TABLE OF CONTENTS Date TopicPage # TABLE OF CONTENTS Date TopicPage # 4

8 6. Number pages  Starting with the blank page after the TOC pages, number the lower outside corner with 1.  Continue labeling every page up to page 30. 12

9 7. Vocabulary Go to the very last page in your notebook, and start a vocabulary page: Vocabulary Word Page #

10 8. Tape two papers in.  Your Safety Contract on page 1.  Your copy of Grading and Assignments on page 2.

11 9. Fill in Table of Contents: DateTopicpage Sept __Safety Contract 1 Sept __ Grading and Assignments 2

12 OPTIONAL:  Make a cover with pictures that summarizes YOU (color, sketch, add stickers…).  You may borrow a glue stick in class. ~ School Appropriate Things Only ~

13 Sep 4, 2013 Demo: Acetone ?’sWhat I observed: What we talked about: Summary/Reflection 2 On page 3, write notes on the first-day demonstration. 10. Acetone Demo Notes

14 Pocket Make a pocket in the inside back cover to hold specific papers: 1. Fold a blank sheet of paper “hamburger style”. 2. Cut or fold the paper and tape inside the back cover to make a pocket for holding papers.

15 7. Pocket, continued September Calendar  Write your name on the calendar.  Place the calendar in the back pocket. Course Summary & Safety Contract Fold these papers and place in the back pocket.

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