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Perseus and The Gorgon (Medusa) Abigail Reyes Sierra Savage.

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Presentation on theme: "Perseus and The Gorgon (Medusa) Abigail Reyes Sierra Savage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perseus and The Gorgon (Medusa) Abigail Reyes Sierra Savage

2 Characters Perseus Son of Zeus Vanquisher of the Gorgon Medusa Medusa A monster, Gorgon Looked into her eyes and they would turn into stone Acrisius Father of Danae Danae Mother of Perseus Polydectes King who sent Perseus to the task Athena and Hermes brother and sister of Perseus Graeae Three headed women who shared one eye.

3 Myth Acrisius had a daughter named Danae, her son was going to kill Acrisius. Acrisius locked up Danae in a tower, so she would never marry or have kids. She had a kid which a man helped her by light. Acrisius locked Danae and baby in chest and set them to sea. Polydectes wanted to marry Danae, but she rejected. Polydectes got fake marriage and wanted a gift from Persues, which was Mesusa’s head.

4 Myth Cont. Perseus started his journey. Hermes and Athena give Persues help for winged sandals and a shield. Persues meets the monster, Gaeae. Gaeae gives a Perseus magic coat. Persues fights with Medusa sisters. After fighting, Perseus cuts off Medusa’s head.

5 Archetypes Perseus (Hero) Medusa (creature of nightmare) Danea (Earth Mother) Polydectes (The Devil Figure) Athena and Hermes (Loyal Retainers)

6 Themes Hero’s have to have the courage and bravery to prove themselves with actions.

7 Work Cited "Perseus and Medusa." Shmoop. 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 1 Jan. 2015. Napoli, Donna Jo, and Christina Balit. "Perseus." Treasury of Greek Mythology. Washington. 125-133. Print. Jordan, Michael. Gods and Goddesses. New York, 1993. Print.

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