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The Meniscus. Anatomy Lies between the femur and the tibia Two menisci: lateral and medial Avascular- doesn’t have blood vessels inside (prevents it from.

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Presentation on theme: "The Meniscus. Anatomy Lies between the femur and the tibia Two menisci: lateral and medial Avascular- doesn’t have blood vessels inside (prevents it from."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Meniscus

2 Anatomy Lies between the femur and the tibia Two menisci: lateral and medial Avascular- doesn’t have blood vessels inside (prevents it from healing itself.)

3 Symptoms Pain, especially when holding the knee straight Swelling Knee may click or lock Knee may feel weak Squatting or pivoting will pinch the meniscus tear and cause pain



6 Mechanism of Injury Meniscus tears can occur during a rotating movement while bearing weight, such as when twisting the upper leg while the foot stays in one place during sports and other activities. Or when getting hit from the side.

7 Sideline Management/Acute Care ICE Immobilize the knee Find out the history of the patient

8 Diagnosis x-ray magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) computed tomography scan (Also called a CT or CAT scan.) Arthroscopy radionuclide bone scan

9 Treatment Arthroscopic surgery is the only way to treat the tear since there are currently no medications, braces, or physical therapy treatments to heal it. Several techniques to perform the surgery.

10 Rehabilitation focused on both your quadriceps (thigh muscle) and hamstrings (muscles behind your knee) doctor may prescribe formalized physical therapy, with a therapist or trainer. stretching, flexion and extension strengthening, and stamina building HEEL SLIDE

11 Precautions and Suggestions DON'T DO these: Squat Twist your knee Walk on uneven terrain. DO these: Try to sleep with your legs out straight at night instead of curling up into a ball.

12 Post Operative Treatment No weight bearing on the joint for at least 3 weeks after surgery. Maximal weight training is not allowed for 2-3 months. Return to running and agility sports is permitted after 3-4 months if strength and motion have returned and there is no pain in the joint.


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