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1 MyMortgageHostMyMortgageHost CRM/Databasing Call October 4, 2007 “HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES” Presented by Eric Risley, Wayne Hohler: Aclient Software.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MyMortgageHostMyMortgageHost CRM/Databasing Call October 4, 2007 “HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES” Presented by Eric Risley, Wayne Hohler: Aclient Software."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MyMortgageHostMyMortgageHost CRM/Databasing Call October 4, 2007 “HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES” Presented by Eric Risley, Wayne Hohler: Aclient Software Systems

2 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 2 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES IT’S OCTOBER: Calendar Year End is Right Around the Corner and Here Come The Holidays!

3 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 3 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES IT’S OCTOBER: Review your Late November – December Marketing Strategies NOW… NOT when the holiday season STARTS (Official start – Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Reality - Holiday marketing starts Oct 31 or sooner)

4 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 4 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. Your clients and subscribers to your email campaigns are about to be bombarded with emails from marketers and competitors.

5 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 5 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. Whether you do holiday marketing or not, you WILL be affected by it. In 2006 it is estimated that holiday-season marketing emailing increased 47%.

6 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 6 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. From a 2006 post-holiday survey: “Consumers still love email, but overall it didn’t provide great value this holiday season. Respondents complain that they get more junk and spam than ever, that they get more email from PERMISSION MARKETERS (emphasis mine) and that the volume of email they have to plow through to get to what they want to read is reaching unmanageable proportions. This year [2006] 15% more consumers than last year say they either ignored the additional emails or – worse! – took actions negative to the [sender] … like unsubscribing or complaining …” - ReturnPath

7 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 7 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. So, how do we get our recipients to open and read OUR mailings? The answer is really dependent on: 1. 1.How well you have marketed to your marketing list throughout the year. 2. 2.How well you understand the additional obstacles to a successful holiday email campaign

8 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 8 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. REMEMBER: Email recipients have a higher frustration level with email and file more spam complaints over the holiday-season.

9 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 9 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. REMEMBER: What is most important to the consumer in the decision to open, delete, or complain about an email. Lets take a look at those factors…

10 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 10 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. Factors critical to the decision to open or discard an email:   Know and trust the sender (60.6%)   Previously opened and thought valuable (47.7%)   Subject Line (42.9%)   Only open the emails I normally read (32.7%)   Discount (25%) ReturnPath Survey 2005

11 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 11 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. Factors critical to the decision to open or discard an email:   Preview window caught my attention (22.3%)   Company doesn’t send me much email (11.3%)   Looked like something I have received by postal mail (10%) ReturnPath Survey 2005

12 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 12 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. How consumers dealt with the increase of emails over the holiday season (2005):   I just deleted the additional emails (68% - up 7.9% from 2004)   I reported the sender as a spammer (33.6% - up 10.2% from 2004)   I unsubscribed from the excess emails (30.5% - up 3.4% from 2004) ReturnPath Survey 2005

13 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 13 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. How consumers dealt with the increase of emails over the holiday season (2005):   There was no impact (19.3% - down 9% from 2004)   I spent more time with email overall (9.9% - up 1.1% from 2004)   I spent less time with each email (9.1% - up 1.4% from 2004) ReturnPath Survey 2005

14 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 14 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Time to be on Top of your Marketing Game. LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT SOME DO’S AND DON’TS TO GET YOUR EMAIL CAMPAIGNS OPENED AND READ!

15 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 15 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DON’T INCREASE FREQUENCY OF MAILINGS Since your customers are getting so much more email in November and December, will additional emails from you help ensure at least some will get through? No! I No! It may make them think you are a spammer though…

16 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 16 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO KEEP YOUR MESSAGE SHORT Just about everyone is in a rush during the holiday season. Your email copy needs to be concise and easy to read, or it will go unread and deleted.

17 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 17 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DON’T WAIT The eight biggest email volume days of 2006 occurred in the weeks before Christmas, starting on Cyber Monday (the first Monday after Thanksgiving) and subsequent “Echo Mondays” leading up to Christmas. Get your message out early, BEFORE the onslaught!

18 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 18 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO ADHERE TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULE AND POLICIES Customers have redefined their definition of spam as “any email I don’t want”. Don’t alter your message form, message purpose, subject lines, or branding!

19 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 19 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO ADHERE TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULE AND POLICIES (continued) DO ADHERE TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULE AND POLICIES (continued) Make “year-end” materials part of your regular client retention campaigns, with compelling offers or useful information.

20 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 20 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO REMEMBER THE BASICS Make sure your From: line identifies you or your “brand”. Make sure the Subject Line is Interesting Use Unsubscribes and OPT-IN reminders

21 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 21 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DON’T USE SPAM-LIKE TACTICS IN THE FROM LINE, SUBJECT OR EMAIL CONTENT DO NOT USE ALL CAPS!!! Do not use excessive punctuation!!!!!!!! Do not use excessive “click here” links, $$$$ signs, or other symbols. NO misleading Subject lines (CANN-SPAM) Avoid words like “free”, “guarantee”, and unfortunately “mortgage” to keep from being filtered.

22 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 22 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO MAKE THE MESSAGE PERSONAL DO MAKE THE MESSAGE PERSONAL Research shows people read email more often when it is personalized or addresses specifically to them in the email content. YOU THEM

23 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 23 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO SIMULTANEOUS MULTIPLE METHOD MARKETING DO SIMULTANEOUS MULTIPLE METHOD MARKETING Consider using a postal mailing with your branding prior to an email campaign and newsletter distribution. Consistent Branding is key!

24 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 24 HOLIDAY CRM TIPS & STRATEGIES Do’s and Don’ts for getting your message through: DO SEND A PROMOTION-FREE HOLIDAY EMAIL COMMUNICATION DO SEND A PROMOTION-FREE HOLIDAY EMAIL COMMUNICATION Your prospects and customers will appreciate getting a “no sales pitch” email from you, especially if you are also taking the time to say “Thank You” in your communication. PERSONALIZE

25 MyMortgageHost ~ Managing details. Delivering results. 25Questions?Questions?  Feel Free To Ask Questions!  Highly technical or specific questions you may have after this presentation or prefer to ask outside this forum, please contact us at: Eric Risley / Wayne Hohler Eric Risley / Wayne Hohler Tel: (800)244-1777 Tel: (800)244-1777

26 26 MyMortgageHostMyMortgageHost Managing details. Delivering results.

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