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Lesson 10: Stylistic Effect Interpret the effect of a director’s cinematic choices Create meaningful interpretive questions about stylistic elements Make.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10: Stylistic Effect Interpret the effect of a director’s cinematic choices Create meaningful interpretive questions about stylistic elements Make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10: Stylistic Effect Interpret the effect of a director’s cinematic choices Create meaningful interpretive questions about stylistic elements Make interpretive inferences about the effect of cinematic techniques

2 2.16 More About Stylistic Effect More Charlie! Scenes 14-16 (40:24-49:40) – This time, no sound Switch up groups – 5 people per group Long shots, Medium Shots, Close-up Shots, Shot-Reverse- Shot, Lighting As you view the film clip without the sound, take notes in the second column of the organizer on page 146 labeled “Observations”, in the first row Be sure to provide as many specific details of your example as you can

3 Share-Out Class Share Out – what examples did you find? Add other student’s examples from different techniques to your chart. Second Viewing – With Sound – each person will now trade for a different cinematic technique, and everybody will focus on the diegetic and non-diegetic sounds in the clip Consider the use of the flashbacks in the clip—how is it shown in the film?

4 Levels of Questioning – p147 To help interpret the effects Burton creates in the clip, we’ll use the levels of questioning again. Level 1: Literal – recall questions you can find in the “text” Level 2: Interpretive – question that require you to use text information to make inferences, draw conclusions, compare/contrast, or consider the author’s purpose Level 3: Universal – questions that are text-related, but go beyond the text by making text-to-world or text-to self connections In the “My Notes” column, develop three Level 2 questions with a partner from your group

5 Whole Group Discuss your level two interpretive questions together and answer them using the film as your “textual evidence” Use your answers and questions as guides to filling in the “Interpretation” boxes on the graphic organizer on 146 What can you infer about the intended effect from your observations? Effects: Think mood, tone, message, feeling

6 Separate Sheet of Paper, Homework Check for Understanding, bottom of 147 Answer each question in complete sentences, using the intended effects your developed in groups on the graphic organizer How does Burton manipulate camera angles and lighting to create his intended effects? How does he use sound (diegetic and non-diegetic) to enhance this scene? Why does he use a flashback scene? What does he accomplish in doing so?

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