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Male Reproductive System

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1 Male Reproductive System
Must know these terms: Vas deferens Bladder Scrotum Testes Urethra

2 Male Reproductive System Key Terms
Sperm-________________________ _______________________________ Semen- fluid made up of sperm & other secretions from the male reproductive organs Egg (ovum)- sex cell that is produced by the ovaries & that can be fertilized by sperm Fertilization- sperm & egg join to create a new human life

3 Female Reproductive System Key Terms
Ovary- female reproductive organ that _______________ _____________& the hormones estrogen & progesterone Vagina- female reproductive organ that connects the outside of the body to the uterus & receives sperm during reproduction Fallopian tubes- transports an egg from the ovary to the uterus Uterus- female reproductive organ that provides a place to support a developing human Urethra- The transport tube leading from the _____ ________ outside the body. In men is also carries semen. Menstrual cycle- monthly series of hormone-controlled changes that prepare the uterine lining for a pregnancy



6 Menstrual Cycle (Period)

7 Risk of Adolescent Sexual Activity

8 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Key Terms
Sexually transmitted disease (STD)- an infectious disease that is spread by sexual contact Epidemic- _____________________ _____________________________ Asymptomatic- showing no signs of a disease or disorder even though an infection or disease is present

9 2 Risks of Sexual Activity
Unplanned pregnancey _______________________________

10 Statistics on Sexually Transmitted Diseases

11 Abstinence

12 Serious problems STDs can cause
Serious illness ___________________ Cancer ______________________________ Death

13 4 High Risk Behaviors Puts Teens at Risk for STDs
Being Sexually Active Having more than one ____________ Having a _______________________ _______________________________ Using alcohol or drugs

14 Abstinence- the only 100% way to prevent unplanned pregnancy & STDs

15 Preventing STDs Practice Abstinence Stay away from alcohol & drugs
________________________, & use those facts to make good decisions Choose friends who influence you in a positive way _______________________

16 4 Ways STDs are Spread Any type of sexual activity that brings an uninfected person in contact with _______ from an infected person Any sexual activity that results in contact between one _______________________ __________________, in which one of the persons is already infected with an STD Direct contact with _______________ Mother to her baby before birth, during birth, or during breast feeding

17 Babies & STDs Miscarriage
________________ – bacteria infects baby’s eyes as the baby passes through the birth canal Antibiotic eye drops

18 Common STDs Key Terms _________________- bacterial STD that infects the reproductive organs & that causes a mucous discharge __________________________- inflammation of the upper female reproductive tract that is caused by the migration of a bacterial infection from the vagina ________________- STD that is caused by a bacterium that infects mucous membranes, including the genital mucous membranes _________________- bacterial STD that causes ulcers or chancres; if untreated, it can lead to mental & physical disabilities & premature death _______________________- group of viruses that can cause genital warts in males & females & can cause cervical cancer in females

19 Bacterial STDs Treatment- Antibiotics
________________ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) _________________ Syphilis

20 Chlamydia- bacterial STD that infects the reproductive organs & that causes a mucous discharge
Symptoms -Pain during ____________ -Penis discharge & vaginal discharge & bleeding If untreated -Infertility -Pelvic pain -Pelvic Inflammatory Disease -_______________________ -blindness in infants

21 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)- inflammation of the upper female reproductive tract that is caused by the migration of a bacterial infection from the vagina Symptoms Pain in abdoben/pelvic ___________________ Long & painful menstual cycles Painful urination Fever Nausea If untreated _________________________ Chronic pelvic pain

22 Gonorrhea- STD that is caused by a bacterium that infects mucous membranes, including the genital mucous membranes Symptoms Painful urination Discharge from penis & discharge or bleeding from vagina Pain in pelvic area If untreated ________________ Scars urethra/painful urination ________________________ Blindness Joint infection

23 Syphilis- bacterial STD that causes ulcers or chancres; if untreated, it can lead to mental & physical disabilities & premature death Symptoms Phase 1-painless ___________________ Phase 2-fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain, muscle aches Phase 3- __________________________, blindness, loss of mental abilities, death If Untreated Mental & physical disabilities ____________________ Severe mental disabilities Deafness

24 Viral STDs No Cures _____________________________ Genital Herpes
Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)

25 Human Papiloma Virus (HPV)- group of viruses that can cause genital warts in males & females & can cause cervical cancer in females Symptoms ______________________ Treatment Surgical removal, freezing or medication for warts but will often return If untreated ________________________ Increased risk of developing genital cancers

26 Genital Herpes Symptoms -Type 1- ________ _______________
-Type 2-mild or no symptoms If untreated Infections of liver, brain, skin, eyes, & mouth _________________

27 Hepatitis Hepatitis ___________ are STD’s
Symptoms- tired, muscle aches, fever, loss of appetite, dark urine Treatment- ________________, vaccine for B If untreated- liver damage, failure, cancer, premature death

28 STDs Caused by Parasites
Pubic Lice-crawl on the skin & _________________, spread by skin to skin contact Scabies- ________________ _____________ of an infected person, skin to skin contact Trichomoniasis-protozoan, single celled animal that is little larger that a bacterium

29 5 things person should do if they think they have an STD
____________________________ Complete the full course of medication Have follow-up testing done ______________________________ Notify all sexual partners

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