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1 Boundaryless Facilitation Energized Learning Groups.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Boundaryless Facilitation Energized Learning Groups."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Boundaryless Facilitation Energized Learning Groups

2 2 Communications Questions What, when (and how much) are we going to communicate? Where and how will we communicate? (what media will we use?) Who will play what roles in the organizations communications?

3 3 Five Key Strategies Make whole visible to everyone … Provide line of sight … Catalyze rich conversations … Amplify energy … Create physical tracks and footprints …

4 4 Make Whole Visible to Everyone a hologram where each part contains the whole image Use images of wholeness the childrens game where you connect numbered dots in a certain order to see a whole picture pointillist paintings where the whole picture is made up of many little dots

5 5 Make Whole Visible to Everyone Strategies Make sure there are group photographs and that everyone has copies. Distribute a map showing where each group member is located. Create a graphic that shows the name of each group member sitting around a table.

6 6 Create Lines of Sight

7 7 Create lines of sight Create journalism style (in contrast to minutes) reports Encourage people to acknowledge who is missing in the room at the beginning of meetings Develop conscious strategies to connect distributed members to the process. Create space in the electronic communication system for informal swapping of stories Strategies

8 8 Catalyze Rich Conversations Whats a rich conversation? the great philosophical over dinner conversation s groups have during off-site meetings the juicy dialogue catalyzed by reading an evocative article informal exchange in the hall on the way to lunch where critical information is passed along

9 9 Catalyze Rich Conversations Hold periodic group telephone conferences described as after dinner talks Rotate responsibility among the group to facilitate discussion on non-routine topics on the Intranet. Invite experts to engage with the group Strategies

10 10 Amplify Energy a fantastic brainstorming session where the ideas are flowing and time just seems to fly by the energy created when a group member comes running into the room to share the excitement of a new development or accomplishment a group pitching in together on a tight deadline has the energy to work overtime until its time to celebrate the accomplishment Experiences of group energy:

11 11 Amplify Energy Find ways to spotlight individuals or parts of the group where something interesting is happening Develop a group norm of sending hot news bulletins to the group Create ways to celebrate accomplishments as a whole group even when you arent together Strategies

12 12 Physical Tracks and Footprints How do we usually see a group? the corridor where everyone on the group has their office (what does a virtual corridor look like?) the break room with shared coffee pot, coffee mugs from a conference everyone went to, postcards from group members on vacation. a group bulletin board which shows what everyone is doing

13 13 Physical Tracks and Footprints Create a sign or group in-box or some other signifier of the group so its visible to everyone in that environment Circulate group output with some kind of group-specific headings and formatting. Strategies

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