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EBL4EAP SteveKirk. Lit. Rev. MFL EBL EAP ? EAP: Context Content Values/Priorities (disc.)

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Presentation on theme: "EBL4EAP SteveKirk. Lit. Rev. MFL EBL EAP ? EAP: Context Content Values/Priorities (disc.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EBL4EAP SteveKirk

2 Lit. Rev. MFL EBL EAP ?

3 EAP: Context Content Values/Priorities (disc.)

4 EAP Context

5 EAP Content Academic Concepts Research Question; Thesis; Research Space Synthesis of arguments from academic sources Citation & Referencing Avoiding Plagiarism

6 EAP Content Language & Structuring for Academic Literacy Common academic genres = abstract; literature review; problem-solution text; empirical research report; case report The ‘Vocabulary Shift’ Nominalisation Hedging

7 EAP Content Basic Research Skills Using the library Using e-journals/databases Notetaking skills; Mindmapping Bibliography building

8 EAP Content Cultural Expectations of UK HE (95% PS Students: Non-European…) Questioning of ‘authorities’ (lecturers; reading) …i.e. Taking a Critical Stance

9 EAP Values/Priorities


11 Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

12 EBL in EAP constructivist view of learning deeper learning (Bloom) autonomy (through interdependence)

13 EBL in EAP emergence of (critical) voice discovery learning self/peer-assessment

14 EBL in EAP T : facilitator /manager of learning empowering learners: lang-as-choice process views of writing, learning, development Valuing the I’m-writing over the I’ve-written (Cioffi 2005)

15 EBL in EAP group learning pyramided discussions collaborative problem solving

16 EBL in EAP = essential: learning is doing (some bitter experience…)

17 EBL in EAP cultural capital= essential:

18 EBL in EAP cultural need mug&jugmarketplace (lecturers give; teachers get) (languages are learned, not taught) = essential:

19 The Literature Review the what the why the how

20 the what (L.R.) plagiarism loop input: process=product

21 the why (L.R.) transferable skills

22 the how (L.R.) (handout)

23 teacher-led content learner-led content learner-led process teacher-led process Plagiarism Lecture Discipline-Specific Literature Review Experience of EBL processes? Scaffolded Lit. Rev.

24 = EBL? you decide (disc.?)

25 LR: Emergent Value transferable (research/academic) skills critical reading (deep/’vertical’) summary writing (extracting the essential) referencing/citation e-catalogue searches (‘power browsing’/’horiz.’) synthesising arg’s from multiple sources taking a personal-yet-academic stance: voice (thesis / research niche)

26  MFL? NSs:the cut&paste generation (?)

27  MFL? horizontal ‘power browsing’ for information lack of evaluation of sources (for reliability) lack of analysis & criticality fears of failure fear of risk taking consequence (?): plagiarism ‘Getting by with Google’ 1

28  MFL? genre-oriented approach for MFL academic literacy business texts

29  MFL? genre-oriented approach for MFL academic literacy journalistic texts

30  MFL? genre-oriented approach for MFL academic literacy narrative texts

31  MFL? genre-oriented approach for MFL academic literacy academic texts

32 so,


34 Lit. Rev. MFL EBL EAP ?

35 Lit. Rev. MFL EBL MFL ?


37 EAP W EBL MFL R S context/ culture-appropriate

38 References Slide 9 : Ballard, B. and Clanchy, J. (1984) Study Abroad: A Manual for Asian Students. Malaysia: Longman. In Jordan, R. (1997) English for Academic Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p.96 Slide 11 : Bloom’s Taxonomy: adapted from Bloom, B.S. (ed.) (1956) Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals:Handbook I, Cognitive Domain. London: Longmans. Slide 23 : Adapted from McMorrow, J.M. (2008) PCL in the Larger Curriculum: Enquiry-Based Learning inHumanities at Manchester Slide 27 : 1 University College London (UCL) CIBER Group. (2008). Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future (CIBER Briefing paper; 9). London

39 EAP4EBL4EAP thank you Qs?


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