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Creating Your PE Webshop Using This Tutorial assumes you have downloaded the software from This tutorial is based.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Your PE Webshop Using This Tutorial assumes you have downloaded the software from This tutorial is based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Your PE Webshop Using This Tutorial assumes you have downloaded the software from This tutorial is based on a previously created webshop

2 Enter Initial DATA – click on Setup

3 Start by completing General Data

4 Click on each line and enter data Insert jpg file of your logo address for online store - add / and your PE Code

5 Click on each line and enter data

6 1. Click on “Write GTB” and this screen will appear 2. Enter General Terms and Conditions Click on “Edit HTML”

7 Enter text in here of your choosing for the imprint –copy and paste and edit as needed Press Save and Close after completed

8 After entering data click OK

9 1. Click on “Write Imprint” 3. To enter data click on “Edit HTML” 2. Screen appears

10 Enter details about your Practice Firm/Virtual Business Press Save and Close – when you have entered all the details

11 After entering data click OK

12 Change each by clicking on the line Make sure the currency is correct Set Gross Prices to “No” so that the software will calculate VAT

13 Click each line and change if necessary

14 Click each line and change as needed

15 1. Select Finances 2. Click and change data in each section

16 Enter details of your country here. Example for Germany enter DE, Germany, and VAT rate

17 The Free software version will not enable you to add data. You must check one of the lines. Then you can change the information in the lines to personalize the method and description.

18 You can offer an order discount – to do so you will need to enter data here.

19 Check to see quantity, weight, volume in software. Enter short form and description – if missing!!

20 You can enter manufacturers and add pictures (e.g. a jpg file) for each one of your manufacturers (optional)

21 Select the line and adjust the bottom left box by click to add or remove the checkmark Recommended These must be NO To add the EUROPEN credit card payment method go to the menu item “Information” – “Add Credit Card Payment” and follow the instructions

22 1. Click on Product Manager 2. Set up Product Categories and then enter products 3. View products entered Do not need to use these two

23 You need to right click mouse to start

24 1. Each product needs a separate category and category ID, which you choose 2. Enter a description of the category - click on “Edit HTML”

25 Type in here the details of your product category When the details are complete press Save and Close

26 Completed category click OK

27 1. Click on product category 2. Click on line to enter product code, description and price

28 Enter data Set minimum order quantity Tax rate should be 1

29 Enter product picture two times click import

30 Click Edit HTML to enter description

31 1. Enter description of product 2. Click Save and Close

32 Enter Keywords to enable customer to easily search for product Click Save and Close

33 Top Products of the online store with checkmark Products displayed on the website with checkmark Top products for the Product Category with checkmark

34 Location where pictures are stored

35 1. Click on and enter short description 2. Enter all the key words from each Product – here

36 Enter data or check details

37 Click and enter company name and sales pitch Enter company logo picture

38 20 products with free version

39 Set currency to the currency of your country, e.g. Euro) Set gross Prices to No for VAT calculation to work Set default TAX to your country code Set Default Payment method

40 Check and change details – click on each

41 Change the five ones

42 Change these descriptions


44 Change these: Homepage, Product Detail Page, Search Page, Order Form Page

45 Click and change text – Welcome Message

46 To help customers use the search facility add all your key words into Infotext

47 Edit here as needed

48 Press preview button to check your work

49 Before you can send the site to the server you must press Create Store

50 To publish site onto the server click Publish store

51 Press add to insert the target host – you will not need to do this again Press Next when complete

52 Enter PE Code Enter password Press OK Button

53 Select and then press Next If you are updating your products then click publish changed files only, otherwise click “Publish Enter Site”

54 Press finish Program will download data to server

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