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E-learning: an overview Barbara Allan Business School.

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Presentation on theme: "E-learning: an overview Barbara Allan Business School."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-learning: an overview Barbara Allan Business School

2 Underlying approach to learning and teaching Behaviourist ‘Tutor knows best’ Pre-designed programme Transmission of information and ideas Constructivist ‘Learners and tutors’ work together as colleagues Programmes involve learning groups or communities Knowledge is constructed

3 Average retention rates Listening only 5% Reading 10% Audio-visual 20% Demonstration 30% Discussion group 50% Practice by doing 75% Teach others or immediate use 90%

4 Different approaches to e-learning  100% e-learning  F2F provision supported by E-learning  Blended learning

5 Different approaches to e-learning  Interactive learning packages  Generic pre-prepared package  Develop new package  Supported online learning  Learning groups and communities  Coaching and mentoring

6 Interactive learning packages


8  Learn at own pace and time  Exciting, modern, look professional  Use clear language  Content presented in small chunks  Provide a variety of routes  Use images, diagrams, sound  Include activities  Provide feedback  Accessible

9 DISADVANTAGES – learner  Time to learn  Isolation  Individual learning preferences  Reluctance to use technology  Dependence on availability of ICT  Some packages require state-of-the-art computers

10 DISADVANTAGES – development  Pre-prepared packages may not be 100% appropriate for learner  Time and cost to develop materials  Skills required for development  Over-use of technical effects

11 Use of online communication tools  E-mail  Bulletin board/discussion groups  Conference or chat rooms  Document handling systems  Tele-conferencing  Video-conferencing

12 Use of online communication tools

13 Supported online learning  Work on group projects  Produce reports, websites …..  Share knowledge and expertise  Work with facilitator  Self-managed groups

14 Issues for learners  Access to ICT (and ICT support)  Motivation  Levels of confidence  Fitting it into their work/home life  Managing their time  Managing information overload

15 Issues for learners  Initial sense of isolation  Time to find a ‘virtual voice’  Recognising the voice of others  Writing to individuals/whole group  Spelling/grammar  Use of humour

16 Issues for tutors  Developing a facilitation style  Sage on the stage vs Guide from the side  Group activities  Planning and setting activities  Managing group activities  Time management

17 Programme design  Induction  Socialisation  Learning to learn as an e-learner  Time management  Time to reflect on process  Value of virtual social space (?)

18 Five Stage Model of E-learning (developed by Gilly Salmon, Open University)

19 Support issues  Technical help  Online  Phone  E-mail  F2F  Tutor support  Colleagues  Mentor  Documentation

20 A few references  Allan, B. (2002) E-learning and teaching in library and information services. Facet Publishing.  Lewis, D. & Allan, B. (2004) Facilitating virtual learning communities. Open University Press.  Salmon, G. (2000) E-moderating. Kogan Page

21 Thank you

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