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WELCOME TO MRS. MOORE’S 3 RD GRADE CLASSROOM Phone: (256) 555- 1234 {Main Discover.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO MRS. MOORE’S 3 RD GRADE CLASSROOM Phone: (256) 555- 1234 {Main Discover."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO MRS. MOORE’S 3 RD GRADE CLASSROOM E-mail: Phone: (256) 555- 1234 {Main Office} Discover Explore Collaborate

2 MEET THE TEACHER… Mrs. Moore recently graduated from the University of Montevallo where she received a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. She has been married since 1999 and has FOUR kids. Mrs. Moore loves to read, travel, crochet, and garden.

3 MRS. MOORE’S SCHEDULE 7:40 - 8:00 - Morning Work 8:00 - 9:00 – Reading {Small Groups/ Centers} 9:00 - 10:00 – Reading {Whole Group}/ Social Studies 10:00 – 10:30 – P.E. 10:30 – 10:40 – Restroom Break 10:40 – 1140 – Math 11:40 – 12: 15 – Lunch 12:15 – 1:05 – Labs {Library, Computer, Music, Art} 1:05 – 1:15 - Rest room Break 1:15 – 2:30 – Science 2:30 – 2:40 – Bathroom Break 2:40 – 2:50 – Clean-up/ Pack-up / Dismissal

4 GOOD MORNING ROUTINES 1)QUIETLY enter our classroom 2) Unpack: Place your Planner & “Take-Home” folder neatly on your desk 3) Place your book bag & jacket in your cubby 4) Check-in: Place a check by your name on the check-in sheet and put your popsicle stick in the proper bucket. {“Home Lunch Bucket” ; “School Lunch Bucket”}

5 GOOD MORNING ROUTINES 5) Return to your seat. Place your “Take-Home” folder on the bookcase located by the teacher’s desk and retrieve 2 pencils 6) Return to your seat. Locate homework section on the board. Record your homework assignments in your planner. 7) Put your Planner in your desk 8) QUIETLY complete morning work

6 PROCEDURES FOR SENDING MONEY & PARENT NOTES Place money for juice, lunch, field trips, pictures, and special occasions in a labeled envelope and place in the RETURN TO SCHOOL section of the “Take-Home” Folder. Label the envelope with the student’s name, amount of money, and purpose of money. Parent notes should be placed in the RETURN TO SCHOOL section of the “Take-Home” Folder. If the note is confidential, place the note in a labeled envelope as described above. Joe Smith LUNCH MONEY $5.00 Juice Money $.75 Labeled Envelope Example:

7 ATTENDANCE Attendance will be taken at the Check-in station. There will be a clipboard at the check-in station and the student will place a check mark in the appropriate column by their name. If a student is absent, Mrs. Moore will initial in the Absent column for documentation. Student NamePresentTardyAbsent Joe Smith Jane Doe Student Name

8 PROCEDURE FOR BEING ABSENT OR TARDY ABSENT Excused absences will require a parent note or physician note with-in 3 days after the student returns to school. If a note is not received with0in this time frame, the absence will be considered unexcused. Students may complete make- up work if the absence is EXCUSED! The student will have 1 day per absence to complete work. For example: If the student is absent 2 days they have 2 days to complete the make-up work. Late work will be accepted for half-credit, if received in a timely manner. Please refer to the student handbook for more information about excessive absences. TARDINESS PLEASE TRY TO BE ON TIME!! In case of occasional incidences: Any student arriving to the classroom after 7:55 will be considered tardy. You MUST sign your student in at the front office and obtain a Tardy slip. The Tardy slip will be filed and kept for my records. Please refer to the student handbook for excessive tardiness. If you are tardy, please complete your morning work as quickly as possible.

9 EARLY DISMISSAL Early dismissals will be due to half days or inclement weather. WHAT WILL HAPPEN ON EARLY DISSMISSAL DAYS???? If the weather is of question, please keep a check on the school website as well as the local news channels. You will be notified by phone and e-mail. {Make sure you keep contact information up to date!} The students will follow the routine dismissal procedures. Please provide reliable transportation if your student is a car rider and please arrive at the bus stop in a timely manner to pick up your student.

10 END OF THE DAY Clean-up: 2:40 p.m. classroom clean-up; each student will participate. Gather: One pod at a time will obtain “Take-Home” folder, book bag, jacket, and any other belonging. Pack-up: The students will return to their seat, to pack-up their books bags; “Take- Home” folder, textbooks, homework, and planner. Depart: The students will then line-up, when called, according to a departure method.

11 HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS HOMEWORK: Homework will mainly consist of reading, spelling word, and vocabulary practice. However, any work not completed during class will be sent home and expected the following school day. Please read for20 minutes per night and sign the Reading Log in the “Take-Home” folder every night. Students will receive a homework sticker at the end of the week if their log is complete and signed. Students are required to record homework and upcoming activities in their planner. OPPS!!! LATE AND MAKE-UP WORK Upon returning to school, you’ll find your missed work on your desk. Make-up work should be returned to school in the time frame previously described. {1 make-up day per 1 absent day} Return the make-up work in the “Return to School” section of the “Take- Home” Folder. If you forget your homework: bring it the following day for half- credit.

12 STUDENT RECOGNITION STAR STUDENT A Star-Student puts forth tremendous effort to complete all homework on time, stays on task, achieves A.R. goal, preforms well on tests, and exhibits leadership qualities. All of the above characteristics merits recognition. Students will receive a sticker for each attribute. The following are awards that will be given for The Star Students:  Homework hero Pass  Visit to the treasure box.  Lunch with a friend  Extra computer time. BIRTHDAYS Birthdays will be posted by our calendar. Birthday student will receive a birthday hat or satchel that they can wear for the day. Parents, if sending birthday party invites: If sending during class time you must invite the entire class. Otherwise, invitations need to be sent outside of class.

13 MEDICATION AND HEALTH CONCERNS Please complete the medical questionnaire for your student. ALL medication will be administered by the school nurse at the nurse’s station. Notify Mrs. Moore and / or the school nurse regarding ANY medication that begins during the school year. If your student has food allergies PLEASE contact Mrs. Moore and the school nurse!!! ANY AND ALL MEDICATION MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE SCHOOL BY THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN OF THE STUDENT. NO EXCEPTIONS!

14 VISITORS Family involvement is very important, however, learning is our number one priority in the classroom. So, I ask that social visits be limited to the following occasions: o Lunch {restaurant food is not permitted} o Field trips o Classroom parties o Conferences Please notify teacher via note or e-mail prior to visit. All visitors MUST sign in at the front office and MUST wear a visitor badge. Don’t forget to sign-out upon departure.

15 VOLUNTEERS First thing first: THANK YOU!!!! Your time and effort is greatly appreciated! Volunteers are always welcomed. Any and All help greatly impacts the classroom. If you are interested in helping with PTO, Book Fairs, Field Trips, or being the Room Parent please contact me via e-mail. I will send notification via newsletter when special opportunities arise. Room Parent Duties: Make copies Staple Help coordinate special activities Sort paperwork for the following week.

16 CLASSROOM RULES 1) Keep your hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself. 2) Follow directions quickly the first time they are given. 3) Keep your work area clean. 4) Raise your hand if you have a question or need to leave your seat. 5) ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST! The students and I will construct our classroom rules the first day of school. However, the following are broad examples:

17 POSITIVE BEHAVIOR EARNS REWARDS The student will receive a sticker for to put on the community Star Behavior Chart. At the end of the week students will be able to redeem their stickers for a reward. Rewards include:  Homework Hero Pass  Visit to the treasure box  Lunch with a friend  Extra computer time.

18 POSITIVE/NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR MERITS CONSEQUENCES 1 st Offense  Card on Green  Warning 2 nd Offense  Card on Yellow  Sign Behavior Log with an explanation 3 rd Offense  Card on Orange  Student will write a note to parent regarding issue 4 th Offence  Card on Red  Phone call to Parent 5 th Offense  Continuous Disruptive Behavior/ Major Offense  Office Referral Students have the opportunity to clip up and down throughout the day. However, if the student exhibits a constant behavior issue the procedures above will be followed.

19 COMMUNICATION PROCEDURES REGARDING BEHAVIOR A conduct sheet will be stapled to the inside of the “Take-Home” folder. Please review and sign every week. The student will receive a conduct grade every week based on his or her performance in class. Behavior issues that cause the student to move card to yellow will result in loss of conduct points. Every student will begin every week with a 100%.

20 GROUP WORK Our class will have group work on a daily basis. This is a fun and effective time for peer collaboration. However, failure to follow our group rules and procedures will result in an alternative assignment that will be completed individually. Our classroom will contain 4 groups and each group will have a leader. While Mrs. Moore is working with a group: Do not interrupt to ask a question. The leader of the group may ask another leader from another group. If you are still unsure you may then raise your hand. Student will move from center to center in a clockwise manner. This will be done each time I ring our bell. Group members are expected to : Work quietly with your group members to complete your work. Stay in your group. Stay on task.

21 CENTERS Prior to releasing the students for center time Mrs. Moore will reference the Center Station to direct each group toward the appropriate center. Each group will know which center they will be working at prior to leaving their desk. There will be 4 centers offered everyday. The following centers are some of the centers that will be offered on a regular or daily basis. Work with teacher Read to self EEKK Partner Read Writing center Fluency center Word work Choice And many other fun activities Group members are expected to clean the center area prior to leaving the center.

22 ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT OPPS!!! If you can not behave during group work you will be ask to return to your seat to complete the work individually. Working in small groups is a privilege that can be revoked if the student is exhibiting behavior issues. SO STAR STUDENT BEHAVIOR IS EXPECTED!

23 SEAT WORK While completing seat work, you are to remain seated, quiet and on task. A quiet environment is best for seat work. This helps you and your friends stay on task. I will play soft music to elicit a calm and quiet working environment. Some of the soft music genres will include classical, instrumental, Native American sounds, etc If you have a question: Raise your hand and I will come to you. This is a time to use YOUR brain… NOT your friend’s brain.

24 I’M FINISHED… NOW WHAT? If you finish early, you may do the following: Double check your work. Independent read at your desk. {AR book or Independent Reader} Complete unfinished work from previous activities.

25 CLASSROOM MATERIALS Classroom materials are a privilege and will be revoked if misused. I expect all students to use classroom material with respect. ALL material will be returned to same place and in same condition when found. Material is to stay in classroom unless approved by Mrs. Moore. Sharpen your pencil ONLY during our designated pencil sharpening times. {Times are posted by pencil sharpener} Pencils: Take 2 sharpened pencils to your desk in the morning. Games: Use game pieces carefully. Do Not lose pieces. Pack the game up when done. Books: Do not bend pages or write in books. Other Materials: Return ALL material to proper place and in same condition. TEACHER’S DESK: Students are not permitted to use or take anything from the teacher’s desk!!

26 BORROWING MATERIALS If you need to borrow something that does not belong to you ask politely. DO NOT grab items that do not belong to you. Once you have finished with the borrowed item, give the item back to the owner. Treat the item with respect and remember to THANK them for their kindness.

27 RESTROOM & WATER FOUNTAIN POLICY We visit the restroom and water fountain after P.E. and after Lab. If you need to use the restroom or get a drink any other time: Look at the “I’m going here…” board. Only one boy and one girl out at a time. If the board is clear use our non-verbal signal to notify Mrs. Moore. Mrs. Moore will nod if you are permitted to leave. Place your “I’m going here…” magnet in the appropriate place. Once you have left the classroom quietly and quickly walk use the restroom, get a drink, and get back to class. Once you have returned to class, move your “I’m going here…” magnet to the appropriate place. If the student has health concerns which require frequent restroom trips: A note from a parent or doctor must be turned in to accommodate the students needs. Please feel free to contact me regarding any matter that needs special attention.

28 CORRESPONDENCE WITH PARENTS The “Take-Home” folder is very important and will be taken home everyday. It will contain: Reading Log {Please read 20 minutes every night and complete the log} Conduct Chart {Please review and sign everyday} Homework Handouts Student Work A weekly folder will be sent home every Monday. This folder will contain: Graded papers Assessments Please review your students’ work, sign, and return on Tuesday. If you have comments or concerns feel free to leave a note in the folder or contact me via e-mail.

29 WHAT ABOUT GRADES? I will obtain grades from the following: Assessments (mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, and reading comprehension) Class assignments Homework Reading logs Behavior Grades will be sent home every Monday in the weekly folder. Please review, sign, and return by Tuesday. If you have any concerns please feel free to contact me.

30 PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES: There is one conference scheduled per semester. {2 total per year} I will send home your assigned date and time for our conference. If you are able to keep your allotted time please sign and return to confirm. If you are unable to keep the appointment date and time please contact me a week in advance so I can accommodate your needs. Please feel free to contact me regarding any concerns that may arise throughout the year. You may contact me via email, parent note, or phone call. Please include your students’ name, your concern,, your contact information, and times you can meet. It takes parents, teachers, students, and faculty working together to ensure the success of our little ones!


32 A SPECIAL THANKS TO: Ms. Carter, Ms. Talley, Ms. Mims, Ms. Morrison, Ms. Graham, Ms. Locke. And Dr. Moore for providing me with the skills and knowledge to manage an efficient and successful classroom for our little ones.

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