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Review of Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 王浩 Class10 Grade7.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 王浩 Class10 Grade7."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie? 王浩 Class10 Grade7

2 Feelings of seeing movies
We learn a lot about movies Kinds of movies Favorite movies and movie stars Feelings of seeing movies

3 Kinds of movies cartoon comedy thriller documentary science fiction
an action movie comedy thriller documentary science fiction

4 Kinds of movies romance and tragedy war movie musical Beijing Opera
白 蛇 传 Beijing Opera magic fantasy movie disaster movie

5 Plural forms action movies comedies cartoons documentaries thrillers
science fictions romances war movies musicals comedies documentaries tragedies

6 Other kinds of movies series系列片 detective film侦探片 western movie西部片

7 Group work A: Do you want to go to a movie? B: Yes, I do.
A: Do you want to see a/an…? B: No, I don’t. I want to see a/an… C: Does Alan/he/Tina/she want to go to a movie? D: Yes, she/he does. She/He wants to see a/an…/No , she/he doesn’t. She/He wants to …

8 We learn a lot about movies
Feelings of seeing movies

9 Action movies are ______ .
exciting scary Thrillers are _______. funny Comedies are ______ .

10 Beijing opera is ______.
interesting Cartoons are __________. boring Documentaries are_______ but______________. educational 白 蛇 传 fun Beijing opera is ______.

11 Tragedies and romances
are ______ and romantic. sad

12 Science fictions are ___and___.
Musicals are ___ and ___. War movies are___ and___.

13 Edward really likes/thinks
comedies thrillers documentaries Edward He thinks funny great boring

14 June really likes action movies.
Chinese action movies document- aries thrillers Beijing Opera June She thinks exciting boring scary interest-ing She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.

15 She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.

16 Group work A: What kind of movies do/don’t you like?
B: I like …and…because they are…I don’t like…or… because they are C: What kind of movies does/doesn’t she/he/Peter like ? D: She/He/Peter likes/doesn’t like…because…

17 We learn a lot about movies
Our favorite movie actors and movies

18 My favorite actor Paul Jackson an actor My Father’s Birthday
A funny comedy I often go to see the movie w___ my friend Mike. ith

19 a very successful thriller
Mike’s favorite actor                                               Rick Smith a successful actor Black September a very successful thriller Mike is E_____. He likes B____________. He often goes to see it with his f______ on w________. nglish eijingOpera ather eekends

20 Movie review Jackie Chan is a great ______. I really like his movie_________. It’s an _____ movie. The movie is__________________. actor Rush Hour action funny/great/exciting

21 Mr. Bean Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson is a great a_____. His movie Mr. Bean is a very s_______ c_______. The movie is very f ______ I like it very much. ctor ucceessful omedy unny

22 a successful magic fantasy movie
My favorite actor Daniel Radcliff (丹尼尔·雷德克利夫) He is in Harry Potter. a successful magic fantasy movie

23 My friends Maria’s favorite actress
 Emma Watson 艾玛·沃特森 She is also in Harry Potter. a really successful magic fantasy movie

24 Jacqueline's favorite movie
Walle and Eva A beautiful, moving(令人感动的)cartoon and science fiction They help each other. And people come back to the earth with their help. I often go to Wanda Film City with my family and my friends on weekends.

25 Family Friends Time In this unit we learn to talk about movies. We learn to plan our time with our family and friends. We should cherish(珍惜)the time and the time with them.

26 Friend A friend is someone you can trust. She is someone you like. She’s like a treasure that shimmers in your heart. A friend is a rose. The rose blooms in your heart.

27 Time Is Like a River Time is like water, it keeps going. Water never stops, it’s always flowing. Through the tree the wind starts blowing. When winter comes it starts snowing. Spring has comes and time is still going. Now is summer and water is still flowing

28 Homework Write a report about your parents favorite
movie actors and movies. You can make a power point and show it in class! Teach your parents what we have learned In class as a Thanksgiving day gift!

29 Thank You

30 I often go to Wanda Film City with my
family and my friends on weekends.

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