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SPORT AND ACTIVE LEISURE BUCS CONFERENCE National Skills Academy & SkillsActive.

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Presentation on theme: "SPORT AND ACTIVE LEISURE BUCS CONFERENCE National Skills Academy & SkillsActive."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPORT AND ACTIVE LEISURE BUCS CONFERENCE National Skills Academy & SkillsActive

2 SkillsActive & National Skills Academy Skills Active's work in Higher Education along with other initiatives Workforce development needs for the sector National Skills Academy – How to get involved

3 SkillsActive Increasing demand for skills Create a culture where both employers and individual employees recognise the need for professional development and improved skills. Identify and predict skills needs in the sector and advise employers on recruitment and retention Drive effective investment from policy makers and funding agencies.

4 Improving the supply of solutions SkillsActive is working with funding agencies, training providers and policy makers to maintain and improve qualifications, apprenticeships and vocational programmes. Working to secure new funding as well as to ensure that existing funding is directed where it is needed. Striving to ensure that quality standards are integrated and maintained throughout the sector. SkillsActive

5 Building effective partnerships SkillsActive is in the unique position that it can work as the central link between all active leisure and learning sector partners:- - Government agencies - Sector specific:- Sport Coach UK, County Sport Partnerships, National Governing Bodies of Sport, employers, Sport England, trusts, LAS etc And represent the needs of the sector to the government, maintain communications with awarding bodies, service providers, funding agencies and policy makers, as well as building international links. SkillsActive

6 Foundation Degree Framework Guide to employer engagement in Foundation Degrees Partnership with Foundation Degree Forward Endorsement scheme SkillsActive & HE: Foundation degrees

7 HE Academy Subject Centre –Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, Tourism Lifelong Learning Networks Foundation Degree Forward UVAC British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) SkillsActive & HE Partnerships

8 Frameworks Events Consultancy Validation Events Endorsement Employer links Work placements Careers Advice Progression to HE Affiliate membership National Skills Academy Co-ordinating sector voice to HE SkillsActive & HE: Developing a core offer

9 Develop Advanced Apprenticeship In Sporting Excellence (AASE) for elite perfomers Coaching Bursary development in various regions 2012 Personal Best initiative Developments with County Sport Partnerships, Get Qualified in the NW Other Examples of Our Work

10 RESEARCH TO DATE:- -Sector Skills Agreement Nationally and Regionally produced 2006 and action plan updated for 2008-2009 - (Sport and Active Leisure Skills & Productivity Alliance, SALSPA) -NWDA Sport Strategy and Action Plan -County Sport Partnership Workforce Development Plan research 2007 Workforce Development needs for our sector

11 -Further Experian data -Focused employer and industry consultations including National Skills Academy Research Continued

12 Technical training for coaches, teaches and instructors ( 66% reported need) Business Support and training for sport clubs including management and leadership training Management & Leadership – Project Management, marketing, communications and line management etc Contextualised HE Sport Science programmes delivered as training linking in with NGBS Higher level skills for Physical Activity linking in with the health sector (cognitive skills) and government policy (Change 4 Life) Some Findings although not exclusive

13 Contextualised work-based learning linked to HE, graduate apprenticeships, ‘adopt a club’ approach Capacity Building – tutors, verifiers, trainers to upskill and train coaches/instructors Mentor training in various sub-sectors Practical use of level 4 National Occupation Standards in Physical Activity

14 Skill Gap analysis example for LAS for Sport Development Leadership and executive skills Writing of sports policy Influencing clubs to focus Facility development Engaging hard to reach communities Dealing with conflict Communication skills at different levels

15 15 THE VISION OF THE NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMY 85,000 learning opportunities per year by 2012, with a quality training offer expressed in three ways: 1.working with the best training providers; 2.offering programmes of learning recognised and valued by employers; and 3.providing new and innovative learning opportunities for the sector. To revolutionise the UK sport and active leisure industry by providing one, single coherent approach to the very best skills training in the sector

16 16 THE NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMY A Network of Nine Regions 2009 London Yorkshire & Humber The South East (New!) The North West Nationally directed, locally delivered, quality badged training. One single, coherent approach. Innovation, a virtual portal as our NSA’s ‘front door’. Platform for funding application and delivery

17 17 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE REGIONAL NETWORK We’re looking for our Regional Network to deliver the following:  Innovation and excellence  Vocational qualifications and training  Quality, demand-led training provision  Accessible, inclusive and flexible learning  Routes to work/volunteering  Information, advice and guidance  Professional development opportunities

18 18 SPORT AND ACTIVE LEISURE THEMES- NW Health and Fitness Leisure Ops and Management Sports Development Events and Stewarding The Outdoors

19 19 THE BENEFITS OF BEING AN APPROVED PROVIDER  Routes to market – an opportunity for providers to develop existing and target new customers  Employer Engagement – access to a range of employers from the sport and active leisure market who require training and development services  High quality network – recognition as one of the premium training providers for the sector; a key branding tool for business growth and marketing

20 20 THE BENEFITS OF BEING AN APPROVED PROVIDER  Raising standards in learning – providers at the cutting edge of training provision and increasing the professionalism throughout the sector  Cost Efficiencies – by aggregating need, attendance on courses can be maximised  Additional Income – by working in partnership with the NSA in meeting the needs of employers, selected CoE’s and AP’s will be able to develop new commercial streams

21 21 Katie Chaloner Regional Business Development Manager (NSA) Dian Shaw Regional Development Manager (Skills Active)

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