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The Era of Good Feelings

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1 The Era of Good Feelings
EQ: How was the central government strengthened during the Era of Good Feelings?



4 Causes The War of 1812 establishes the U.S as a world power (respect)
There was much more nationalism (pride) The Federalist Party died out (unity) When James Monroe (Republican) ran for president, he won by a landslide

5 The Election of 1816

6 The Election of 1820

7 Both part of Henry Clay’s American System
Effects Government Takes a Greater Role in the Economy Second Bank of the U.S. established in 1816 Protective Tariff is passed Protects U.S. goods from foreign competition British had been dumping (selling their goods below market price) Both part of Henry Clay’s American System

8 The American System WEST  got roads, canals, and federal aide.
EAST  got the backing of protective tariffs from the West. SOUTH  ??

9 Central Government Strengthened Over States
Effects Central Government Strengthened Over States McCulloch v. Maryland The state of Maryland tried to tax its branch of the National Bank Court ruled that a state cannot pass any law that violates a federal law

10 Central Government Strengthened Over States
Effects Central Government Strengthened Over States Gibbons v. Ogden Steamboat went from New Jersey to New York It was considered “interstate commerce” which can only be regulated by Congress, not the states

11 US Takes a Greater Role in the World
Effects US Takes a Greater Role in the World Florida Andrew Jackson sent to recapture escaped slaves Seized two Spanish towns and forced the governor to flee Adams- Onis Treaty of 1819: Since Spain could not protect Florida, decided to give it up


13 Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819

14 US Population Density 1810 1820

15 US Takes a Greater Role in the World
Effects US Takes a Greater Role in the World Monroe Doctrine U.S. wanted to protect trade with the newly independent Latin America U.S. would not allow European nations to interfere with the free nations of Latin America

16 America Getting Patriotic!
Hail to the Chief Yankee Doodle Dandy

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