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Changes Industry and Transportation. # 1: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION/factory system A total change in the way things were made OLD NEW.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes Industry and Transportation. # 1: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION/factory system A total change in the way things were made OLD NEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes Industry and Transportation

2 # 1: INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION/factory system A total change in the way things were made OLD NEW


4 #2 Interchangeable Parts Effects: Parts could be produced in large amounts. Unskilled workers needed – increased effects of the Industrial revolution

5 # 3 Inventions = Spinning Jenny Effects: Clothing easier to make, more factories, more unskilled workers, etc!

6 #4: Cotton Gin Effect: Cotton Gin = increased the amount of slaves in the South – made south rely on slavery more than ever before

7 #5 Roads and Bridges Changes: Improved travel. Government built the National Road. Private companies built turnpikes. Bridges replaced corduroy roads Effects: people move west causing even more roads and bridges to be built!

8 #6 Steamboats Made water travel much faster Goods could be carried cheaply and quickly = make more money More people could move west

9 #7 Canals Erie Canal: goods sent from New York City (NYC) down Ohio River. NYC: most important city in the country. (trade). Led to canals in the North and West. North and the West connected together to make money!

10 #8 Railroads Railroads connected areas on land. Did not have to be near water. Most built in the North and the West. Connected North and West more! Allowed towns to be built away from water. More people could move west

11 Railroads Continued

12 What were the results of the Industrial Revolution? Manufacturing changed: factories and unskilled workers Class system: people who worked vs. people who owned/ran the factories. –Lower class women and children forced to work in the factories North had factories South did not = more sectionalism!

13 Results continued Cities grew = urbanization (workers moved to cities in larger and larger numbers) Immigration: Jobs = brought more people (most in North) Population grows = More power for the North in government = more sectionalism!

14 What were the results of the transportation changes? New states (1792-1819) Spread of people west. Foreign and Native American problems Spread of slavery in the South but not as much in the North (because of environment) = sectionalism! New inventions to connect the new states: steamboats, canals, and trains North and West tied together because of canals and then railroads = made more money!

15 Other Results: This economic ($) connection led to more sectionalism North and West were advancing the South was not! The National Government will have to pick what part of the country will get what they want. More power for the National Government! Conservative South will be even more upset!

16 #1: What is changing/different? A B

17 #2 What is changing/different? A B

18 #3: What is changing/different? A B

19 What was the Era of Good Feelings? From the end of the War of 1812 to the end of James Monroe’s presidency (1824)

20 Why was it called this? One party because of the Hartford Convention. No party fighting = good feelings! Nationalism because of victories over Britain No more problems with European countries.

21 What did the government do to help the economy? 1.New National Bank to solve money problems (inflation = the money did not have value). New bank meant the money will mean something again. 2.New Tariff (of 1816) to keep British goods out and help American factories grow.

22 What did this lead to? Leads to sectionalism Argument still the same – battles over power People in the South were against the new plans. Bank was too powerful! The tariff helped the North and hurt the South!

23 The American System What was the American System? Who came up with it? Why didn’t it work? System to help build the American economy Road improvements, canal construction, and a higher tariff. Henry Clay came up with it. Unpopular in the South because of sectionalism. Did not need the roads and canals and the tariff hurt them!

24 How did the Federal (national) government grow in power? Two court cases supported national government: 1.McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) –the national government had power over the states. 2.Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) – national government power over all interstate commerce = business! VS

25 Why was it important? South unhappy about power of the government. Push for states’ rights and nullification begins. Scared of losing slavery Led to arguments over slave and free states. SOUTHERNERS

26 What do you see? What conclusions can you draw from this?

27 What was the Missouri Compromise? Missouri wanted to be a slave state. Led to a big argument over slave states and free states. Compromise: draw a line across the country dividing slave and free states Maine = new free state Missouri = new slave state Keep free and slave states equal Sign of problems in the future over slavery in new parts of America

28 How did Foreign Policy change? Latin American nations began to get their independence from Spain Britain and the United States joined together to issue the Monroe Doctrine: Said that no European nation should try to take land in America anymore United States Army led by Andrew Jackson invaded Florida to fight Indians. Forced Spain to give up Florida in the Adams Onis Treaty. Importance: The U.S. could grow without anymore European interference = get total control of North America! No more European problems! Now only had ourselves to fight with (sectionalism)!

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