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Career Development Planning Cathy S. Chalmers Director for Gifted and Talented/Magnet Programs Greenwood District 50

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1 Career Development Planning Cathy S. Chalmers Director for Gifted and Talented/Magnet Programs Greenwood District 50








9 Step 1. Discovering Yourself  What are my interests, values, skills, strengths?  What three careers interest me?  What are my post high school plans- 2 yr. college/technical, 4 yr. college, military, workforce?  Based on the third bullet, what two areas do I need to research?

10 Step 2. Exploring Options  What information or people can help me explore my college or career options?  What classes or activities can help me develop my strengthens?  How can I learn more about informational interviews, job shadowing, internships, service learning, civic honors, or student organizations to gain firsthand experience?

11 Step 3: Making a Decision  How much time and energy am I willing to invest to make a career decision?  Who is my support system?  Who can help me assess the pros and cons?  What are my top priorities to consider for this decision?

12 Step 4: Taking Action  How can I strengthen my readiness for success in a college major?  What is one goal that I have? How can I reach it? What actions can I take now?  Which one of my talents can I develop through classes or outside activities?

13 Step 5: Evaluating the Decision  Is my decision a realistic option?  Is there anything preventing me from reaching this goal? What would it mean if I didn’t have any barriers?  Who in my support system can assist me with achieving this goal?

14 How Do We Decide Abilities/Aptitude Interests +Personality/Motivation ____________________________ = Career Choice

15 Proactive TIPS  Course Selection  Better Family Life  Develop Skills, Motivation, Plan  Improve Reading Skills  Improve Study Skills  Improve Time Management  Improve Organizational Skills

16 Proactive TIPS Continued  Make a checklist  Know entrance exams and prepare for them  Get advice  Proper planning prevents poor performance  No short-cuts to SUCCESS, it takes HARD WORK

17 Career Clusters  Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources  Architecture & Construction  Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications  Business Management & Administration  Education & Training  Finance  Government & Public Administration

18 Career Clusters Continued  Health Science  Hospitality & Tourism  Human Services  Information Technology  Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security  Manufacturing  Marketing  Science, Technology, Engineering & Math  Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics

19 Resources  Technology- Education/CareerClusterGuides.cfm Technology- Education/CareerClusterGuides.cfm  Technology- Education/documents/CareerandTechStude ntOrg.pdf Technology- Education/documents/CareerandTechStude ntOrg.pdf  Technology- Education/documents/4yearcolleges.pdf Technology- Education/documents/4yearcolleges.pdf  Technology- Education/documents/2yearColleges.pdf Technology- Education/documents/2yearColleges.pdf

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