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The NISP Network Guy Bashford NE Business Consultant North East Recycling Forum Tyneside House, Newcastle 6 th June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The NISP Network Guy Bashford NE Business Consultant North East Recycling Forum Tyneside House, Newcastle 6 th June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The NISP Network Guy Bashford NE Business Consultant North East Recycling Forum Tyneside House, Newcastle 6 th June 2013

2 Accolades Include… Acknowledgements: International Synergies’ NISP is accredited by the European Commission as an Exemplar of Eco-Innovation through its Environmental Technologies Action Plan 2007 The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) declared Industrial Symbiosis “a la NISP” an “excellent example of systemic innovation vital for future green growth” 2010 NISP has been highlighted as 1 of 20 Worldwide Green Game Changing Innovations in a report commissioned by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2010

3 Accolades Include… Acknowledgements: 2010 International Synergies received the Environmental Excellence Award for Best Carbon Reduction Programme for NISP British Expertise International Award for implementing the National Industrial Symbiosis Programme on a Global Scale 2009 Worldwatch Institute Europe, Best Practice Business Sustainability and Innovation in Publication launched at European Parliament, June 2013 2013 2009 Cited as an example of ‘Best Practice’ in the European Union’s Waste Framework Directive and the new Pro-Innovation call under FP7.

4 Industrial Symbiosis for a Circular Economy Natural resources Products Waste (to disposal) Linear System Circular System Products Waste to resource Natural resources Products Waste to resource

5 What is ‘Industrial Symbiosis’? In essence: Industrial symbiosis is a systems approach to a more sustainable and integrated industrial economy that identifies business opportunities to improve resource utilisation (materials, energy, water, capacity, expertise, assets etc) Source: Lombardi and Laybourn (2012) Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(1) Connecting Industry – Creating Opportunity

6 About NISP Regionally Delivered, Nationally Coordinated 10 Regional Teams across the UK – England and Northern Ireland Benefits of National Programme Devised and managed by International Synergies Limited and contracted through UK Government

7 NISP Delivered Outcomes 2005 to 2012 METRICSIn Year Benefits*Lifetime Impact (Max 5 year) Landfill diversion9 million tonnes45 million tonnes CO 2 reduction8 million tonnes39 million tonnes Virgin material savings12 million tonnes58 million tonnes Hazardous waste eliminated0.4 million tonnes2 million tonnes Water savings14 million tonnes71 million tonnes Cost savings£206 million£1.02 billion Additional sales£198 million£1.45 billion Jobs10,000+??? Private investment £317 million??? £34 million investment since 2005 *all outputs independently verified

8 INCREASES Jobs Sales Innovation Bottom line New business Knowledge transfer REDUCES Use of virgin resources Industrial water usage Hazardous waste CO 2 emissions Landfill Costs NISP Network

9 Exclusive access to a members’ only website. The facility to upload your company’s resource requirements and surpluses onto Europe’s largest database of resources. Designated expert to review resource information to optimise potential for business opportunities. A number of NISP Network resource matching workshop packages, and speakers opportunity Quarterly subscriber-only newsletter. Company profile in the NISP Network online business directory. NISP Network Member certificate and logo for use on marketing collateral and websites. Discounted access to International Synergies’ portfolio of services: data collection training, bespoke site reviews, location investment decision- making. NISP Network Membership Benefits

10 What happens next?  Join the NISP Network!  NISP Network members will receive their Workshop Report  Non-members can purchase their report at the rate of £199 + VAT  Let us know about any successful synergies  The NISP Network team will contact you shortly  Introduce a friend and get 10% off your membership! What happens next?  Join the NISP Network!  NISP Network members will receive their Workshop Report  Non-members can purchase their report at the rate of £199 + VAT  Let us know about any successful synergies  The NISP Network team will contact you shortly  Introduce a friend and get 10% off your membership! What did you say? An interesting, inspiring, thought provoking workshop held in a relax, informal style’ Richard Sykes, United Utilities ‘A networking extravaganza’ D.Lancashire MoJ NISP creates a dialogue between parties who wouldn’t ordinary get the opportunity to talk Tony Mottram GPT Waste Every event is time well spent – it always generates new business leads Helen Recycling “ ” NISP Network Resource Matching Workshop The Queens Hotel, Leeds – 17 th April 2013 Get in touch: Wendy Poole tel: 0845 094 9501 or email: Over 45 companies were present at the workshop including: Procter & Gamble Domino UK United Utilities Interserve Construction Kingspan Access Floors PRM Systems York, Bradford and Sheffield Hallam Universities Become a member and secure your place at our next workshop. Join now Join now and get NISP Networking for you! How did you rate us? Thanks to everyone who filled in a feedback form to let us know your opinion of the event. You scored us… Workshop organisation4.6/5 Venue and location4.6/5 Timing4.5/5 Presentations4.3/5 Table Facilitation4.5/5 Networking opportunities4.3/5 Meeting your expectations4.3/5 On 17 th April 2013, delegates from a wide range of industries across Northern England participated in the unique NISP Network synergy workshop process. Many interesting ideas were brought to the table and over 350 potential synergy matches were captured! Thanks to our speakers: Vincent Brown from Vincent Brown Associates, Julian Silverwood from Silverwood Waste Management, and David Lancashire from the Ministry for Justice.

11 Membership MemberEmployeesPrice* (Exc. VAT) Workshop Packages LoginsResources (Max.) Micro<10275113 SME11-250585214 Large251-1000975228 Corporate>100019502312 Annual Cost and Benefits

12 NISP Network: Just some of our members…

13 Consultancy offerings Feedstock mapping and sourcing - Based on extensive resource database. Can be sourced by EWC, distance, location, frequency and contacts Synergy Facilitation Services – Could include process mapping, identification of opportunities for virgin material substitution, cost effective and environmental beneficial solutions for ‘difficult’ waste streams Awareness seminar on applied industrial symbiosis – This could include tailored resource matching workshops for supply chains or multi sites. CWIM Approved Waste Smart Training

14 Waste Smart Training Dates Waste Smart Foundation Tuesday 2 nd July 2013, £195 + VAT For those who generate, handle or manage waste within any organisation. Waste Smart Advanced Thursday 26 th September 2013, £250 + VAT For those whose responsibility it is to manage the waste and ensure compliance. It is targeted at those who need to implement, manage and monitor improvements. Waste Smart courses are aimed at anyone who produces waste and who wants to improve compliance and reduce costs by preventing waste.

15 Any questions, contact Tel: 07795 574376

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