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Environmental technology and renewable energy solutions The business advantage of Green Innovation, Vilnius 12.10.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental technology and renewable energy solutions The business advantage of Green Innovation, Vilnius 12.10.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental technology and renewable energy solutions The business advantage of Green Innovation, Vilnius 12.10.2011

2 About Green Business Norway Established in 2003 A private and independent member based organisation Comprises 40 member businesses from all over Norway, offering competence, technology and solutions for the environmental- and renewable energy sector Several member businesses are receiving global recognition for their technologies and solutions 75% of member businesses operate in the export market Resource bank for individual member businesses in respect of innovation, early-stage business development and internationalization Project development in partnership with groups of member businesses on product development and internationalization Innovation management: enhancing member businesses’ innovation capacity through joint skills development programs Internationalization: introducing and expanding new export markets in partnership with member businesses Introduction

3 Growth for the individual member company through cooperation activities Facilitate and initiate B2B cooperation between member businesses Launch and develop innovation projects, securing the innovation capacity among member businesses Assist individual member businesses in financing of innovation and development activities Organise member seminars and conferences targeting trends and development in the Cleantech sector Innovation and development activities To sustainable business…. From idea….

4 Market and partnership development activities Business Intelligence programme in Poland creating partnerships between GBN member businesses and Polish counterparts Framework agreement with Hubei province, China to develop bilateral activities in the Cleantech sector. Cooperation agreement with Cleantech solutions providers in Rumania Currently exploring new market and partnership opportunities in Europe and Asia International activities

5 The Norwegian Cleantech business sector A diversified business sector, where the competitive edge is based on products & services that are: Energy efficient Resource optimized (minimization of materials and resources to meet the requirements for functionality) Little or no impact on the environment in terms of pollution and emissions Replacing fossil fuel with technologies for renewable energy production Making the valuables available from waste streams by advanced processing technologies Waste management Resource management Energy efficiency Renewable energy

6 Waste management development Landfills Incineration with energy recovery Recycling/biological treatment Reuse Waste minimization Government policies & incentives Research & development Cleantech Industry

7 The approach to waste management Proper organizing and waste collection Development of proper and up to date recycling centres Proper utilization of biodegradable waste & energy utilization from the organic fraction Development of material recycling facilities Implementation of well known methods

8 Environmental technologies and solutions offered by Green Business Norway member businesses

9 Waste management solutions Fields of expertise Waste management (waste management planning, inter municipal cooperation etc). Treatment solutions and technologies for waste (pre-treatment, material and energy recovery from waste etc). Optimization and operation of treatment plants (management systems, technical operations etc). Monitoring management systems and surveillance (on-line, real time monitoring technologies and management).

10 Water management solutions Fields of expertise Water, waste water & sludge management (water and sludge management planning, inter municipal cooperation etc). Treatment solutions and technologies for Water and Waste water plants (pre-treatment, material and energy recovery from sludge etc). Optimization and operation of treatment plants (management systems, technical operations etc). Monitoring management systems and surveillance (on-line, real time monitoring technologies and management).

11 Energy solutions Fields of expertise Geoenergy solutions ( utilisation of energy from the bedrock for heating and cooling) Energy from bio waste (biogas production from organic waste and sludge for heat, power and hydrogen production). Energy efficiency (management systems and devices for energy efficiency in buildings) Passive housing technologies (targeting 15 kwh/heating pr. square meters) Anerobic digesters ”Green” energy production Dry soil improver Bio - fertilizer

12 Environmental monitoring and surveillance Fields of expertise Methods of monitoring, management, forecasting and warning system of air pollution. Water pollution monitoring, modelling and management Early warning management systems for pollution in rivers Equipment measuring stations System of early warning based on river watch

13 Share experience in modern Cleantech solutions Introduction to BAT in several environmental and renewable energy technology segments Combine technologies and competence from Green Business Norway member businesses in partnership with Lithuanian businesses and counterparts. Utilize the upcoming financial scheme(s) to develop partnerships and create “best practice” projects Study tours and site visits Areas for cooperation

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