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1 Innovations in assessment and evaluation 1 Martin Valcke

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Presentation on theme: "1 Innovations in assessment and evaluation 1 Martin Valcke"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Innovations in assessment and evaluation 1 Martin Valcke

2 2 Structure Advance organizer: evidence-base for evaluation and assessment Activity 1: What is assessment and evaluation? Trends assessment & evaluation Self and peer assessment Activity 2: Develop a self-assessment activity Rubrics Activity 3: Develop a rubric

3 3 Conclusions Consider differences between: measurement, evaluating and scoring Reconsider the responsibilities for assessment and evaluation Develop reflective competencies of staff and students

4 4 Advance organizer Where is the evidence about assessment and evaluation?

5 5 The importance of assessment & evaluation

6 6 6

7 7 Activity 1: What is assessment & evaluation? Write down elements that define what assessment and/or evalution comprise.

8 8 What is assessment & evaluation? Three elements: ‣ Measure: get data from student about his/her answer or behavior (test, exam, task) ‣ Evaluate: what is the value of the “answer/behavior”? ‣ Score: what score will be attributed to a quality level in the answer or behavior?

9 9 Question What responsibility would you hand over to students? ‣ Measure: get data from student about his/her answer or behavior (test, exam, task) ‣ Evaluate: what is the value of the “answer/behavior”? ‣ Score: what score will be attributed to a quality level in the answer or behavior?

10 10 Trends in Assessment & Evaluation Major changes in the place, role, function, focus, approach, tools, … in higher education Among trends: major shift in WHO is responsible for the evaluation and in the TOOLS being used

11 11 Trends in assessment & evaluation Shared characteristics: ‣ Focus on “behavior” ‣ Focus on “authentic” behavior ‣ Foicus on “complex” behavior ‣ Explicit “criteria” ‣ Explicit “standards” ‣ Need for concrete feedback ‣ Focus on “consequential validity” Gielen, Dochy & Dierick (2003)

12 12 Trends in Assessment & Evaluation Trends according to Fant et al. (1985, 2000) : Assessment centres Self and Peer assessment Portfolio assessment Logbooks Rubrics

13 13 Trend 1 Self and Peer assessment Trends according to Fant et al. (1985, 2000) : Assessment centres Self and Peer assessment Portfolio assessment Logbooks Rubrics

14 14 Individual learner Group learner External institution Teachers Expert teacher Assessment system Institutional level

15 15 Definition self assessment Self assessment can be defined as “the evaluation or judgment of ‘the worth’ of one’s performance and the identification of one’s strengths and weaknesses with a view to improving one’s learning outcomes” (Klenowski, 1995, p. 146). 15

16 16 Definition peer assessment Peer assessment can be defined as “an arrangement in which individuals consider the amount, level, value, worth, quality, or success of the products or outcomes of learning of peers of similar status” (Topping, 1998, p. 250). 16

17 17 Self- and peer assessment Learn about your own learning process. Schmitz (1994): “assessment-as- learning”. ~ self corrective feedback 17

18 18 See experiential learning cycle of Kolb. Boekaerts (1991) self evaluation as a competency. Development of metacognitive knowledge and skills (see Brown, Bull & Pendlebury, 1998, p.181). Freeman & Lewis (1998, p.56-59): developing pro-active learner s 18

19 19 The Learning Cycle Model

20 Self – and Peer Assessment in Medical education: Some studies

21 Accuracy 21

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24 Tool for self assessment 24

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27 Attitudes 27

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30 Attitudes 2 30

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33 Reliability 33

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36 Accuracy 2 36

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39 Confidence / performance 39

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42 Accuracy 3 42

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45 Assessment ability 45

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48 Longitudinal 48

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51 Follow up 51

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54 Review: Accuracy 54

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58 Review Effectiveness 58

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62 PA enhances performance 62

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65 PA longitudinal stability 65

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68 PA & rater selection 68

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71 PA, formative & multiple observations 71

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74 PA, hard to generalize 74

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77 77 Is it possible? 77 Group evaluations tend to fluctuate around the mean

78 78 Learning to evaluate Develop checklists Give criteria Ask to look for quality indicators. Analysis of examples good and less good practices: develop a quality “nose” 78

79 79 Learning to evaluate Freeman & Lewis (1998, p.127) : ‧ Learner develops list of criteria. ‧ Pairs of learners compare listed criteria. ‧ Pairs develop a criterion checklist. ‧ Individual application of checklist. ‧ Use of checklist to evalute work of other learner. ‧ Individual reworks his/her work. ‧ Final result checkeed by teacher and result compared to learner evaluation. ‧ Pairs recheck their work on the base of teacher feedback. 79

80 80 Learning to evaluate Peer evaluation is not the same as Peer grading Final score is given by teacher! Part of score could build on accuracy of self/peer evaluation and self-correction Example: 1st year course Instructional Sciences 80

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87 87 Information processing 87

88 Activity 2: develop a self assessment exercise Develop the basic instructions for a self- assessment exercise. 88

89 Importance of Feedback Where am I going? feed up How am I going? feed back Where to next? feed forward (H attie & Timperly, 2007) 89

90 90 Trend 2 Rubrics Trends according to Fant et al. (1985, 2000) : Assessment centres Self and Peer assessment Portfolio assessment Logbooks Rubrics

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95 95 Rubrics

96 96 Rubrics

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98 98 Rubrics Rubric: scoring tool for a qualitative assessment of complex authentic activoity. ‣ A rubric builds on criteria that are enriched with a scale that help to detremine mastery levels ‣ For each mastery level, standards are available. ‣ A rubric helps both the staff and the student in view of what is expected at process/product level. ‣ Rubrics for “high stake assessment” and for “formative assessment” (in view of learning). (Arter & McTighe, 2001; Busching, 1998; Perlman, 2003). Rubrics focus on the relationship between competencies- criteria, and indicators and are organized along mastery levels (Morgan, 1999).

99 99 Rubrics Holistic – Analytic Taak specific - Generic

100 100 Assumptions about rubrics Larger consistency in scores (reliability). More valid assessment of complex behavior. Positive impact on subsequent learning activity.

101 101 Performance assessment Rubrics focus on the relationship between competencies-criteria, and indicators and are organized along mastery levels (Morgan, 1999).

102 102 Doubts? Approach marred by beliefs of staff/students about evaluation (see Chong, Wong, & Lang, 2004); Joram & Gabriele, 1998) Validity criteria and indicators (Linn, 1990), Reliability when used by different evaluators (Flowers & Hancock, 2003).

103 103 Activity 3: develop a rubric

104 104 Research rubrics Review article 75 studies m.b.t. rubrics : Jonsson, A., & Svingby, G. (2007). The use of scoring rubrics: Reliability, validity and educational consequences. Educational Research Review, 2, 130– 144. ‣ (1) the reliable scoring of performance assessments can be enhanced by the use of rubrics, especially if they are analytic, topic-specific, and complemented with exemplars and/or rater training; ‣ (2) rubrics do not facilitate valid judgment of performance assessments per se. However, valid assessment could be facilitated by using a more comprehensive framework of validity; ‣ (3) rubrics seem to have the potential of promoting learning and/or improve instruction. The main reason for this potential lies in the fact that rubrics make expectations and criteria explicit, which also facilitates feedback and self-assessment.

105 105 Conditions effective usage Develop assessment frame of reference Training in usage Interrater usage

106 106 Development rubric Choose criteria for expected behavior ‣ 4 to 15 statements describing criterion Detremine bandwith quality differences ‣ E.g. 0 to 5 qualitative levels Describe eachj value in quality level ‣ Concrete observable qualifications

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109 109 Critical thinking rubric

110 110 Informative websites Overview tools, examples, theory, background, research: Critical thinking rubrics: g.html Rubric generators: Intro on interesting rubric sites: Rubric APA research paper: General intro and overview:

111 111 Conclusions Consider differences between: measurement, evaluating and scoring Reconsider the responsibilities for assessment and evaluation Develop reflective competencies of staff and students

112 112 Innovations in assessment and evaluation 112 Martin Valcke

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