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This Is Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "This Is Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Is Jeopardy

2 Jeopardy! Random Populations Relationships Atmosphere/ Water Scientific Inv. Energy 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 100

3 10 What is the approximate age of the earth? Answer

4 4.5 billion years old

5 20 Glaciers helped form the Earth’s surface by erosion as seen in

6 Cape Cod

7 30 In designing a good experiment, a scientist attempts to isolate one

8 Question

9 40 Environmental Science is considered to be an integrated science because Answer

10 It involves many sciences

11 50 The extinction of a species means that Answer

12 its populations no longer exist

13 60 New York’s Finger Lakes, which were formed by the same process as were the Great Lakes, were formed by: Answer

14 the movement of glaciers

15 All of the following are indigestible material for an owl except
70 All of the following are indigestible material for an owl except Answer

16 Muscle

17 80 El Nino occurs every Answer

18 4-7 years

19 90 To measure the acidity of a solution you would perform a __________ test. Answer

20 pH

21 100 To measure the clarity of pond water you would perform a __________ test. Answer

22 turbidity

23 10 In a balanced ecosystem, the carrying capacity for a given species should be Answer

24 stable

25 20 All of the following are herbivores except Answer

26 bear

27 30 When scientists say that the balance in the ecosystem is dynamic they mean that Answer

28 change is constant

29 40 In which place would you probably find the most organisms? Answer

30 a swamp

31 50 Which organism is most likely to be found on a newly discovered island? Answer

32 Parrot

33 60 Primary succession can occur in which of the following habitats

34 a cooled lava field

35 70 In the Antarctic, as baleen whale numbers increase you would expect seals to: Answer

36 decrease in numbers

37 80 Two species of clover were planted in the same patch of garden. In time, one species disappeared from the patch. This is probably the result of: Answer

38 competitive exclusion

39 Through aquatic succession, a clear lake may eventually become:
90 Through aquatic succession, a clear lake may eventually become: Answer

40 a meadow

41 100 Mass killings of predators may result in Answer

42 overpopulation of prey

43 10 What effect does a keystone predator have on its habitat? Answer

44 it increases niche diversity

45 20 Legumes enrich soil by adding nitrogen to it through their Answer

46 root nodules

47 30 From where do autotrophs get the energy that produces their food?

48 the sun

49 40 Interactions in the environment are usually Answer

50 Complex

51 50 Lichens are important to an ecosystem because they Answer

52 help form soil

53 60 An organism that feeds on the body fluids or tissues of another organism but does not kill it is called a: Answer

54 Parasite

55 70 An increase in herbivore populations in an ecosystem will soon lead to Answer

56 increasing predator populations

57 80 A stable ecosystem includes Answer

58 a wide variety of organisms

59 90 Competition occurs between species when Answer

60 they try to share the same niche

61 100 Condors are related to vultures and feed on carion, or dead animals. Condors’ role in the food web is as: Answer

62 scavengers

63 10 What is the most important requirement for all living things?

64 Water

65 20 In which part of the atmosphere do you live? Answer

66 Troposphere

67 30 Water exists on other planets in the solar system. Yet, life exists on Earth because water exists as a Answer

68 vapor

69 40 A gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect is Answer

70 carbon dioxide

71 Temperatures in the thermosphere can reach
50 Temperatures in the thermosphere can reach Answer

72 2000 degrees C

73 60 Ultraviolet radiation is blocked from reaching Earth’s surface by what substance found in the atmosphere? Answer

74 ozone

75 Nitrogen makes up what percent of air composition on earth?
70 Nitrogen makes up what percent of air composition on earth? Answer

76 78%

77 80 Natural springs form on Earth’s surface with water that originated from Answer

78 Aquifers

79 90 A pump does not need to be used to raise groundwater to the surface in areas where artesian wells are located because the water in artesian wells Answer

80 is under pressure

81 100 People use rivers in all of the following ways except Answer

82 as a source of salt

83 10 In one day, a zebra eats 10kg of grass. A lion kills and eats the zebra. About how much of the energy contained in this grass is usable by the lion? Answer

84 1 kg

85 20 When new information conflicts with a hypothesis, the hypothesis

86 must change

87 30 A scientific explanation for a natural occurrence is Answer

88 a hypothesis

89 40 In a controlled experiment Answer

90 the scientist knows the outcome

91 50 Science does not attempt to answer questions that deal with Answer

92 nitrogen

93 60 Though matter in an ecosystem is recycled, energy is Answer

94 Lost

95 A hypothesis must be rejected when
70 A hypothesis must be rejected when Answer

96 it is not supported by data

97 “Ozone depletion is caused by CFCs” is an example of a scientific
80 “Ozone depletion is caused by CFCs” is an example of a scientific Answer

98 hypothesis

99 90 Energy moves through the ecosystem in the form of Answer

100 biomass

101 100 To be a tertiary consumer, you would have to eat Answer

102 Deer

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