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Long Island Regional Economic Development Council New York Works Consolidated Funding Application Grant.

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Presentation on theme: "Long Island Regional Economic Development Council New York Works Consolidated Funding Application Grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long Island Regional Economic Development Council New York Works Consolidated Funding Application Grant

2  The Connect Long Island Partnership, facilitated by the Long Island Forum for Technology and led by the three Long Island local workforce investment boards (LWIBS), consolidated 8 separate organizational proposals under the Workforce Innovation Network (WIN) Proposal.  The WIN Proposal was included in the LIREDC’s Strategic Plan. 2

3  The Long Island Business and Workforce Investment Project (LIBWIP) was among the proposals included in the WIN Proposal.  The LIBWIP was submitted for funding through the CFA process by the Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources (DOOR) on behalf of the 3 LI LWIBs.  The proposal was selected for funding under the New York State Economic Development Purposes Fund in the amount of $427,535.  The LIBWIP is unique in that it is a LWIB led project funded under the CFA process. 3

4  The goal of the project is to educate, train and provide job development for a pool of workers to be employed by Long Island firms.  This project is transformative in that it fosters economic development through workforce development. 4

5 Begin: May, 2012 Complete: May, 2014 5

6  The LWIBs will conduct an assessment and develop an Individual Employment Plan for each of the 114 unemployed participants.  The project will equip 114 low-income and dislocated Long Islanders with the skills and credentials required to support regional workforce demands, including job placement and career counseling as needed. 6

7  18 Years of Age and Older  Out-of-School  Long Island (Nassau or Suffolk County) Resident  Either Low Income (Same criteria as WIA Priority of Service) or Dislocated Worker  Unemployed 7

8  Outreach  Intake  Assessment (Interview; JobZone; CareerZone; Kenexa Prove It!, which is an Internet-based skills assessment program that provides over 1,200 tests for clerical, software, industrial, healthcare, financial, and technical job classifications, as well as more than 35 online tutorials for Microsoft Office 2000–2010 titles; Standard Assessment and Group Evaluations (SAGE), which is designed to assess mechanical dexterity, clerical aptitude and interests; CHOICES, which is designed to assess career interests and values, list related occupations, provide employability skills and job search activities; Career Exploration Inventory (CEI), which is a career interest test used as a guide for exploring work, leisure and educational goals, and which helps the participant to find information on occupations, leisure activities and educational programs;;  ) 8

9  Development of IEP/ISS  Career Counseling/Case Management/Tracking  Pre-Vocational Skills Training for Adults and DWs, including Career Workshop Series* and Computer Skills Workshops  WIA Ten Youth Elements (Youth only)  Classroom Training  Referral to Supportive Services  Job Development and Job Placement  Follow-Up 9

10 10

11  The project consists of two major components, targeted and general training.  The targeted training has been implemented in two phases to date.  Phase one is a Health Care Information Technology course provided by Hofstra University.  Phase two is a Paralegal course, also provided by Hofstra.  Under the general component, we are conducting a variety of training programs related to multiple occupations, including soft skills training. 11

12  Benchmark # 1: 50% ($213,768) - 38 participants complete training and 19 of those participants have entered employment and project expenditures are at 300,000. 12

13  Benchmark # 2: 25% (106,884) - An additional 38 (76 cumulative) participants have completed training, 38 of those participants have entered employment and an additional $100,000 in project expenditures (totaling 400,000). 13

14  Benchmark # 3: 25% (106,883) - An additional 38 (114 cumulative) participants have completed training, 57 of those participants have entered employment and total project expenditures of $540,000. 14

15 BenchmarkGoalActual Low Income Individuals to Who Have Completed Training 38150 Low Income Individuals to Who Have Entered Employment 1940 Project Expenditures$300,000$370,266.81 15

16 Ana-Maria Hurtado Commissioner/WIB Director Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources Hempstead Executive Plaza 50 Clinton Street, Suite 400 Hempstead, New York 11550 Phone: (516) 485-5000, ext. 1105 Fax: (516) 485-5009 16

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