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Ad Hoc Committee Meeting June 17, 2014. Meeting Topics State WIB Examples Brookings Update WIA Reauthorization.

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Presentation on theme: "Ad Hoc Committee Meeting June 17, 2014. Meeting Topics State WIB Examples Brookings Update WIA Reauthorization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ad Hoc Committee Meeting June 17, 2014

2 Meeting Topics State WIB Examples Brookings Update WIA Reauthorization

3 State WIB Examples Workforce Arizona Council – Members: 31; 30% large employers, 25% small employers – Staff: Reside at the Arizona Commerce Authority – Role: Improving communication between state agencies – Vision: Shared goals and benchmarks, create culture of collaboration

4 State WIB Examples Kentucky Workforce Investment Board – Members: 42 total, 25 voting; business makes up slight majority, organized by industry; includes Governor – Staff: Attached to Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet – Structure: 5 committees: Executive, Alignment, Accountability, Awareness, and Access – Goals: Alignment of WFD with education and economic development, simplification of service delivery, improved customer-centered services

5 State WIB Examples Oregon Workforce Investment Board – Members: 32; business makes up slight majority; legislative members are non-voting – Staff: Reside at Oregon Employment Department; staff work to implement policies approved by Gov. – Role: Set system outcomes and monitor results; advise Governor and act as primary advisory committee to Employment Department – Goals: industry sector strategies, work-ready communities, system innovation

6 State WIB Examples Washington Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board – Members: 9 voting (3 business, 3 labor, 3 state agencies); 3 non-voting (chair, local elected official, representative of underserved populations) – Staff: 25; WTECB is its own state agency – Role: planning, coordination, program evaluation, performance management, policy analysis and advice to Governor and legislature; administers some programs and implements recommendations – Goals: youth training/education, adult services and lifelong learning, meet employer skill needs; top strategies are career pathways and accountability/efficiency

7 State WIB Examples Colorado Workforce Development Council – Members: 52; business majority; includes Governor; Commissioners are non-voting members – Staff: 5 staff reside at the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment – Role: continuous improvement, planning, neutral forum, focus on business needs and alignment – Goals: Establish integrated system of outcomes and measures; champion user-friendly information sources; strengthen partnerships and leverage resources

8 State WIB Examples Massachusetts Workforce Investment Board – Members: 65; business majority; Governor is co- chair – Staff: staff reside in the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development – Role: reviews LMI regularly to develop regional plans – Structure: 3 sub-committees: ABE/ESL, Links to Education, Sector Priorities (new jobs, growing industries)

9 Brookings Update Commissioner Clark-Sieben

10 WIA Reauthorization Passage of WIOA likely in coming weeks. Key changes include: Focus on streamlining, reporting, administration, but maintains existing WIA structure Flexibility of funds at local level between Adult and Dislocated Worker programs is increased Requires integrating basic education and occupational skills training, and the use of career pathways Prioritizes competitive integrated employment for individuals with disabilities New provisions to support professional development among WFD staff Repeals 15 programs, including WIA Incentive Grants and the Workforce Innovation Fund Key changes regarding state WIBs: WIA: language removedWIOA: new language added Membership 4 legislative members 2 legislative members 20% must represent the workforce (labor, CBOs, youth) No “two-fers” Number of required members reduced

11 WIA Reauthorization WIA: language removedWIOA: new language added Functions Development of Incentive Grant Proposals Develop strategies to align technology and data systems across one-stop partners Develop statewide workforce and labor market information system ID and share best practices Develop career pathways strategies, sector partnerships Unified State Plan Required every 5 years Required every 4 years, state board to review every 2 years Two main areas: strategy and operations Inclusive of all core programs, including ABE, Wagner-Peyser, Vocational Rehabilitation Key changes regarding state WIBs, cont’d:

12 WIA Reauthorization WIA: language removedWIOA: new language added Local Workforce Service Areas Youth Councils eliminated Greater focus on regions; requires states to ID regions in consultation with local boards; requires local boards to engage in regional planning LWIBs required to establish standing committees on one-stop operations New requirements regarding employer engagement, leveraging of non-federal resources, leading career pathways efforts, sector partnerships, other best practices Key changes regarding state WIBs, cont’d:

13 Discussion and Next Steps

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