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European Churches Responding to Migration 2010 “Migration as an issue of political engagement of the church” Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "European Churches Responding to Migration 2010 “Migration as an issue of political engagement of the church” Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Churches Responding to Migration 2010 “Migration as an issue of political engagement of the church” Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe

2 Traditional (classical) Theology Churches’ traditional forms of defence of persons who are marginalised or suffering, e.g. people who are Roma, migrants: Advocacy Pastoral Care Activism/campaigns Raises the question whether ‘academic’ theology helped to build critical divisions.

3 Bridging the Critical Gap Traditional forms of defence: –challenge discrimination –seek inclusive legislation –provide pastoral care –support the suffering person –work on behalf of… Traditional forms do not usually bridge the gap: –‘otherness’ –difference

4 Theological Method for bridging the critical gap World in Dialogue with the Word

5 Bridging Critical Gap Requires: 1 st - Requires Confession 2 nd - Connects thought and action

6 Theological Method: World in Dialogue with Word 1 st step: Begin study with God of Justice Developing theology → Justice 2 nd step: World in contemplation with the Word Using Experience→ exploration→ theological reflection Back step:Exploring White (majority) culture Exploration ↔ theological reflection 4 th step: Reflect and Respond Theology→ experience → exploration ↔ theological reflection → response

7 Benefits of experiential method –Understanding the core of the issue –Grasping opportunities –Managing challenges –Identifying essentially with the ‘Other’ –Overcoming detachment –Maintaining action where traditional forms end –Highlights ultimate ends

8 It is Wrestling Theology- ‘Doing theology’ that involves 1.Theological Reflection 2.Remedial education, unlearn past errors 3.Soul work – –inner journey of confronting resistance to learning –becoming relationally committed to meeting marginalised people, as themselves 4.Engaged presence

9 Adopt Kolb’s Learning Styles David Kolb – published model 1984 Book: Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development Acknowledges: Rogers, Jung, Piaget Widely acknowledged today by academics, teachers, managers, trainers as seminal works Established method of adult learning

10 Kolb: Model of Adult Theological Reflection/Education for European Churches 2010 Conceptual theology

11 Learning Styles or Preferences Four-stage cycle of learning. Whatever influences the choice of style, the learning style preference itself is actually the product of two pairs of variables, or two separate 'choices' that we make, each with 'conflicting' modes at either end: Concrete Experience - CE (feeling) ---V--- Abstract Conceptualization - AC (thinking) Active Experimentation - AE (doing)-----V----- Reflective Observation - RO (watching)


13 Ensure effectiveness Standpoint of exploration Working in facilitated small groups Acknowledging feelings, images, ideas Dramatisation Group choice of what will be reflected upon

14 Who might benefit? Parishes Congregations Trainers in cultural awareness Theologians of traditional methodologies Schools Focus groups Clergy and church personnel – perhaps using a Master Class

15 Practicalities Use two facilitators: –person who is White theologian/pastor/tutor –person who is migrant, Roma Plan for mixed group of 9-12 persons Meet over a period of 5-10 weeks Seek agreement from the group as to whose/what experience is used

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