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Reflective learning Tutors’ Conference 17/05/12.

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1 Reflective learning Tutors’ Conference 17/05/12

2 Notes Handout with all the notes will be ed to you next week

3 What is reflection? Not rocket science
We all learn from our experiences We all think back as to how we could have done things differently When we do this in a formal way to identify areas of learning process is known as reflection Cleland and Ross Phase 1 handbook

4 Why use reflective learning?
We all do it to some degree Reflective learning is about making this process explicit Maximises learning from a given situation Promotes deep learning i.e. where material is understood in a personal context Builds on previous knowledge Promotes personal growth and development Helps integrate knowledge skills and values

5 GMC Specifically requires that medical students should be able to reflect on practice and be self-critical. Many postgraduate programs now use reflective learning particularly in portfolios c.f. GP training and revalidation There is an expectation that Drs will become reflective practitioners Includes being self aware, recognising limitations, identifying areas for improvement and CPD

6 Models Gibb Kolb Johns Schon

7 Gibbs Description - What happened?
Feelings – What were you thinking and feeling? Evaluation – what was good or bad about the situation? Analysis – What sense can you make of the situation? Conclusion – what else could you have done? Action plan – what would you do next time?

8 John’s Similar to Gibb’s Description of experience Reflection
Influencing factors Could I have dealt better with situation? Learning

9 Kolb

10 Schon Reflection-in-action Thinking ahead Analysing Experiencing
Critically responding Reflection-on-action Thinking through subsequent to situation Discussing Reflective journal

11 Where it fits Part of a process Part of a learning journey
Helps use every experience and encounter as a learning opportunity

12 Reflective writing We use this to gather evidence of reflective thinking Looking back at an event Analysing an event or idea in detail Thinking carefully about what it means to you now and for the future Something concrete that the students can share with use with respect to their experience

13 Moon purpose of reflective writing
Record experience Facilitate learning from experience Support understanding Develop critical thinking Encourage metacognition! Increase active involvement Increase ability in reflection Enhance problem solving Personal and professional development Support planning and progress research or project

14 Moon levels of reflective writing
Descriptive Descriptive account with some reflection Dialogic reflection Critical reflection

15 Descriptive Descriptive, little reflection
Ideas linked by sequence of account/story Any references to emotional reactions not explored No focus on particular issues Most points given similar weight

16 Descriptive with some reflection
Basic account more than just the story Focused on event as if questions asked and answered Points where reflection could occur are signalled Recognise that exploration of points would be of benefit, but that is as far as it goes

17 Dialogic Description focused on particular area or aspects accentuated for reflection Material being mulled around There is evidence of external ideas or information Account shows some analysis If appropriate is self critical

18 Critical reflection Description serves process of reflection
Evidence of standing back Recognition that frame of reference can change Critical awareness of own thought processes Others views and motives taken into account Recognition of influence of prior experience Learning points noted

19 Group task Try to identify areas where reflective learning can improve the student experience in practice Are you a true, natural reflective learner yourself? What are the barriers to being a reflective learner and how might you overcome them? Look at the piece of reflective writing and try to work out where it lies according to Moon’s classification

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