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Access eCommerce Exploring Electronic Commerce Jane Nolan Goeken Community Development Specialist Iowa State University Extension.

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Presentation on theme: "Access eCommerce Exploring Electronic Commerce Jane Nolan Goeken Community Development Specialist Iowa State University Extension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access eCommerce Exploring Electronic Commerce Jane Nolan Goeken Community Development Specialist Iowa State University Extension

2 Course Objectives and Outline Part 1 – Exploring E-Commerce Criteria for evaluating sites The Internet as a research tool Part 2 – Planning Your Website Stages of website development Website costs and services Part 3 – Promoting your Website Tell everyone about it All about search engines Part 4 – Internet Business Plan Case Study

3 Doing Business Online How small business use the Internet Bringing your business online Resources you can use today

4 Today we’ll look at… Small Business Use of the Net Examples of How Businesses use the Net The Internet as a Research Tool Getting a Web Presence Web Design and Promotion Tips

5 Small Business Use of the Internet

6 eCommerce is all about… Using online resources and tools to do business better Making money and saving money online It’s NOT always about SELLING on the Internet!

7 Use of the Internet for Business Activities 57% of small businesses use the Internet for business related activities: E-Mail Gathering information Buying goods and services Source: National Federation of Independent Business

8 Changing Internet Statistics Online access: 58% of American households are connected to the Internet 16% have a broadband connection Online shopping: 43% of Internet users buy online 29 purchases/year Spend $95/month online Businesses online: 60% of small businesses have websites

9 Small Businesses With Websites 35% of all small employers have a business web site. Benefits: gain new customers increase total sales Source: National Federation of Independent Business

10 Online Resources that Small Businesses Rate as Important Online identity 99.5% Site interactivity 67% Online promotions 62% Online transactions 55% Source: Interland 2004 E-commerce Survey

11 Selling Goods and Services on a Website Websites increase sales indirectly. Stimulates customers to buy by phone, fax, e-mail or brings customers into the store Only 24% of businesses with a web site sell directly from their sites Source: National Federation of Independent Business

12 Examples of How Small Businesses Use the Internet

13 Businesses Use the Internet to: Build an existing business Add value to product or service Reach distant markets Offer innovative products and services Build credibility Build brand recognition Cut operating costs Build returning customer base Leverage brick business with clicks Start a business

14 Reach Distant Markets 80% of business is conducted over the Internet in a place so remote they can’t even buy a newspaper.

15 Leverage Bricks With Clicks

16 Uses the Internet to turn “customers” into “collectors” Build Returning Customer Base

17 Build Brand Recognition Uses the Internet to market pastry

18 Offer Innovative Products

19 Offer Innovative Service

20 Offer Innovative Service

21 Add Value to Product

22 Start a Business

23 The most successful online businesses… Know which web services meet the needs of their customers and are creative in using the web to attract customers.

24 The Internet as a Research Tool

25 Research Doing Business Online Search for: New suppliers Product ideas Marketing ideas Better prices

26 Searching for Information Use a directory Example: Yahoo or Google Directory Use a search engine Use a site that indexes websites on specific topics

27 Searches 4,285,199,774 web pages

28 Tips for Searching Google search results: widget parts 268,000 “widget parts” 660 “widget parts” green 56 “widget parts” green -china 20

29 Tips for Searching Google search results: minnesota ice1,760,000 “minnesota ice” 3,500 “minnesota ice“ –fishing 1,750

30 Research Your Competition Is your competition across the world or next door? Search engines are the key to finding your online competition What can you do better, or different?

31 Evaluate Your Competition Visit their websites. What are they trying to do online? What do you like or dislike? What can your company do better? Find out how popular these sites are Google using:

32 Getting a Web Presence

33 Options for Doing Business Online Do you really need a website? Consider: Auction Websites Malls or Cooperatives Online Storefronts Develop your own website Templates Hire a developer Do it yourself Combine several options

34 Online Auctions

35 Niche Malls or Coops

36 Online Storefronts

37 Website Templates

38 Web Design and Promotion Tips

39 Websites Should Be… Informative Fast Easy to navigate Tidy Accessible


41 Promoting Your Website Tell everyone about it Help search engines find you Tips are at Use traditional media

42 Viral Marketing “Any advertising that propagates itself the way viruses do.” Friends and relatives Customers Website visitors

43 Promotion ideas Café Press

44 Summary Become comfortable with the Internet Decide if you really need a website Explore web hosts, online malls, auctions for features and costs Decide which services are right for your business to meet your customer needs Promote to every living being on the planet, and then promote some more

45 For more information www.access

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