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View a brief video to introduce our World Language program Become informed about World Languages and options available to Freshmen Receive a newsletter.

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3 View a brief video to introduce our World Language program Become informed about World Languages and options available to Freshmen Receive a newsletter containing additional information about our program goals, and learn how to access our World Language Website

4 Decisions that are made for you –World Language Requirements 2-year sequence of same language Decisions you and your child can make –Language Choice

5 Continue with same language studied at middle school  FRENCH  ITALIAN  SPANISH The longer the sequence of language study, the greater the level of proficiency attained.





10 LEVEL I** Best for students who: Want to begin a new language at the HS level Have never studied a world language before Need additional reinforcement before continuing to Level II **Middle School language sequence is equivalent to a level I course. Level I at the high school would be a repetition of the middle school language experience LEVEL II Best for students who: Want to continue with their middle school language Have had a successful language experience in middle school Want to gain a higher level of proficiency in language

11 For students who :  Are highly motivated and interested in the TL  Are more creative and spontaneous with the TL  Demonstrate a higher level of language proficiency  Work well independently and like to be challenged  Pre-AP instruction is begun at this level.  Greater emphasis on grammatical accuracy in speaking and writing

12  Benchmark speaking and writing tasks that assess student performance and proficiency in the target language  Marking period grades  7 th grade, marking periods 3 & 4  8 th grade, marking periods 1 & 2  Teacher input rubric that assesses student participation in classroom activities   Student input rubric


14 SECONDARY CRITERIA Minimum 2-year study of same language; Commitment to continue to study language to highest level offered; Membership in language club and completion of minimum of 4 club service activities. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT Minimum grade of A- (90-92) in Accelerated level or A (93-96) in Academic level for current school year. AND Minimum grade of A- (Accelerated) or A (Academic) in PREVIOUS year of language study.

15  To enrich the lives of students by exposing them to the study of cultures via language, art, music, geography, and history.  To increase students’ ability to communicate in the target language.  To begin to prepare students to live, interact, and compete in our global society.

16 Go to SPF District website: “Curriculum” World Languages


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