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Thursday 25th April 2013 ‘A’ Levels or IB? The arguments.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday 25th April 2013 ‘A’ Levels or IB? The arguments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday 25th April 2013 ‘A’ Levels or IB? The arguments

2 IGCSE? A Levels? IB? What are they?

3 IGCSE qualifications are widely used as a preparation for ‘A’ levels and the International Baccalaureate (IB) and other pre-university examination courses.

4 Years 12 & 13 IB and ‘A’ Levels Are for children aged 16 – 18 years old

5 The popularity of IB




9 So what subjects can students take? You choose one subject from each of six groups. 3 at Higher level and 3 at Standard.

10 Group 1 Studies in Language and Literature English or another first language

11 Group 2 Language Acquisition English, French, Spanish, etc (these are for students who can already speak/write the language) OR Chinese, Italian, etc.. Ab initio (start from zero)

12 Group 3 Individuals and Societies Geography Economics History Business Studies Environmental Systems and Societies

13 Group 4 Experimental Sciences Biology Design Technology Physics Chemistry Environmental Systems and Societies

14 Group 5 Mathematics Choice of 3 levels Higher Standard Studies

15 Group 6 The Arts Music, Art, Drama, or….. 1 more subject from the previous 5 groups.

16 In addition…… Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) The Extended Essay

17 How is the IB graded? Each of the six subjects is awarded a grade on a scale of 1 - 7, with 7 being the highest grade. An additional 3 bonus points may be gained from a candidate’s combined Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge grades. Maximum number of points to be obtained: (6 subjects x 7 points) + 3 bonus points = 45 points Note: A candidate must gain a minimum of 24 points in order to pass the full Diploma

18 IB – the advantages IB has a broad curriculum based on six subject areas and three additional elements Students do not specialise until later, enabling them to take time to choose a career path These subjects are broadly similar in content to A levels, particularly at higher level The philosophy also includes international mindedness – the IB is not connected to any national system – this is seen as beneficial in an era of globalisation, cultural diversity and awareness

19 IB – the advantages The IB has a stronger overall philosophy than the A levels, as separate subjects, may lack – the IB is a ‘package’ These are educating the whole person through TOK (Theory of Knowledge) and CAS (creativity, action and service) and the extended essay It also includes coursework for all elements – an advantage to some students

20 Years 12 & 13 IB (International Baccalaureate)

21 ‘A’ Levels Are very British

22 Years 12 & 13 A Levels Year 12 Choose 4 Subjects Example: Mathematics Chemistry Biology Physics Choose 3 Subjects Example: Mathematics Chemistry Physics Year 13 ASA2 Examined at the end of Year 12Examined at the end of Year 13

23 Years 12 & 13 A Levels Year 12 Choose 4 Subjects Example: Geography History English Spanish Choose 3 Subjects Example: Geography English Spanish Year 13 ASA2 Examined at the end of Year 12Examined at the end of Year 13

24 AQA Baccalaureate The AQA Baccalaureate (AQA Bacc) gives students an edge in the highly competitive process of moving from school to employment or Higher Education. By combining core A-level subjects with wider learning and enrichment activities, the AQA Bacc enables students to display the necessary personal skills and academic abilities.

25 AQA Baccalaureate comprises: Three A-levels subjects (a student's main subject choices) Independent learning through the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Skills development through Enrichment activities: work related learning, community participation and personal development Breadth through an AS level in Critical Thinking.

26 AQA Baccalaureate How is it awarded? Students meet the criteria by achieving at least grade E in each of their A-levels The pass (E or above) in a broader study AS-level subject e.g critical thinking Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) A minimum of 100 hours of enrichment activities.

27 AQA Baccalaureate grading The AQA Bacc can be based on A-levels awarded by any awarding body. Students achieve a grade of Pass, Merit or Distinction. The level is determined by the student's A-level and EPQ grades.

28 This will give you….. The AQA Baccalaureate which includes: 3 Full A levels 2 AS levels (one being critical thinking) Knowledge of researching and writing an extended essay for the extended project qualification. 100+ hours of community service.

29 A levels – the advantages Students can take subjects that they are good at and interest them Suits students who are not good ‘all rounders’ Suits those students who definitely know what university course they want to take Enables students to further specialise in Year 13

30 A levels – the advantages The AS and A2 are better suited for those students who may only be staying 1 year in a school Students do get self-study time

31 How are ‘A’ levels graded? Students are awarded a grade from A* - E for each individual subject. A grade ‘U’ (unclassified) will be awarded to those students who do not meet the necessary standards.

32 University Application The application process starts approximately 1 year prior to the start of the university course. IB and A levels are recognised and welcomed globally by universities. We will be supporting your son/daughter every step of the way

33 Thank you for listening I hope this information has helped Any questions?


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