Update. Where Are We Now?  Executive Steering Team met on February 20th & agreed to shift our go live date back by 12 months to July 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Update. Where Are We Now?  Executive Steering Team met on February 20th & agreed to shift our go live date back by 12 months to July 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCPath@UCLA Update

2 Where Are We Now?  Executive Steering Team met on February 20th & agreed to shift our go live date back by 12 months to July 2014  Project is larger than initially planned (more than building interfaces to PeopleSoft)  Analysis and Design phases for PeopleSoft and UCPath center business processes alone took 18 months  Campus work ahead is equally, if not more, complex  Testing phase is joint effort, and will be highly complex  Over past 18 months, campus resources mainly focused on PeopleSoft and UCPath Center business processes  Complex effort, requiring significant knowledge base and time commitment system-wide 2

3 UCPath@UCLA Major Workstreams High Level Overview T HINGS WE NEED TO ACCOMPLISH BEFORE WE GO - LIVE :  Campus Alignment to UCPath  Designing campus business processes & supporting systems to ensure campus readiness & efficient interaction with the UCPath Center  Data Conversion, Validation & Testing  Converting HR/Payroll data (from PPS or other sources) into a format that can be transferred into PeopleSofts’s new format  Time & Attendance  Remediating existing Campus T/A systems to support new PeopleSoft data format and business rules 3

4 UCPath@UCLA Major Workstreams High Level Overview  Data Warehouse  Redesigning Campus Data Warehouse for new PeopleSoft data elements, definitions and structures  This is a critical focus area for all current processes & applications that rely on personnel & payroll data, including Parking, Student FICA Exemption, GL Posting, Time & Attendance Campus shadow systems Reporting 4

5 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools 5 Campus tools available to interact with the UCPath Center:  Approval Workflow to process HR, Payroll & Funding transactions  Employee Self Service for Personal information updates including: Home Address, Emergency Contacts, Direct Deposit, Benefits Enrollments, etc.  Direct entry into PeopleSoft for campus administrator roles  Case Management to process exceptions, corrections, special handling, etc.  Interface files generated from campus systems, e.g: Time & Attendance

6 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools 6 Campus tools available to interact with the UCPath Center:  Approval Workflow to process HR, Payroll & Funding transactions  Campus will initiate and approve a number of transactions & send them to UCPath for final entry into PeopleSoft  There is no double-entry  Employee Self Service for Personal information updates including: Home Address, Emergency Contacts, Direct Deposit, Benefits Enrollments, etc.  Direct Entry into PeopleSoft for campus administrator roles  Leave of Absence  Funding Management  Position Management  Administrative Roles

7 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools: Approval Workflow 7 Approval workflow will allow the campus to capture & route HR/Payroll & funding transactions for approval prior to submission to the UCPath Center:  Hire & Rehire  Termination  Retirement  Pay Rate Change  Data Change  Transfer  Earnings Distribution Change  Short Work Break  Additional Pay  Funding Entry  Salary Cost Transfer

8 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools: Example of Approval Workflow 8

9 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools: Approval Workflow Roles 9 Role Assignments by Department & Employee Class Departmen t InitiatorApprover 1 Approv er 2 Approve r 3 Ad Hoc Approver Employee Class BiologyCrystal BallSonny DaySuzy Que Central HR/APO 1, 2, 4, 7, 15 April Calendar Les Moore Jack Bean Employee Class Description 1Contract 2Career 3Academic Recall 4Limited 5Student - Casual/Restricted 6Per Diem 7Partial Year Career 8Floater 9Academic - Faculty 10Academic - Non Faculty 11Academic - Student 13Contingent Worker - Staff 14Contingent Worker - Academic 15Rehired Retiree

10 10 Employee/Manager Tier Understand the specific situation Review policies, programs or plans Document and escalate cases as appropriate Offer alternatives and considerations to employees Investigate and resolve escalated cases Tier 2 Tier 2 - UCPath Center Specialized Knowledge Field initial inquiry Ask clarifying questions Provide policy, program, or plan information Document cases Execute approved exceptions Warm transfer to Tier 2 as appropriate 1 Tier 1 - UCPath Center Initial Inquiry Web Phone Online Case Advise HR Leaders and staff on policy exceptions and escalated cases Locate external resources to supplement expertise and knowledge as needed Manage high-risk, compliance-driven cases to resolution Interpret system-wide compliance policies, programs and plansnd plans Tier 4 Office of the President Tier 4 Provide approvals, decisions, and communications Administer policies, programs or plans Advise managers on employee relations issues Manage high-risk, compliance-driven cases to resolution Investigate employee disputes and claims Participate in Tier 1-3 case resolution as needed 3 Tier 3 Escalation to campus Campus Resources UCPath Center Support Model Campus Alignment To The UCPath Center

11 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools: UCPath Portal (Enwisen) The UCPath Center Portal (Enwisen) is currently in development 11

12 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools: Case Management System Employee Creates a Case 12 A QuickCase is a ticket template that is pre-populated with information common to an issue. An employee can edit the pre-populated information as needed. Managers, Employees and UCPath Center Reps can see different Quick Cases.

13 Campus Alignment To UCPath Campus Tools: Case Management System UCPath Center Reps Update, Resolve, & Close the Case 13 Ask UCPath UCPath Center Reps will be able to transfer cases among the UCPath Center units & add attachments. Cases will be transferred to the campus as appropriate.

14 Employee Work Location Validation 14  Definition of “Location” in PeopleSoft:  Identifies work location for each position and appointment  Standardizes current campus work address maintained in PPS  Can be used for reporting and to satisfy union requirements to locate employees

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