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1 Introduction to Workforce Planning and Development in State of Alaska Executive Branch Departments.

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1 1 Introduction to Workforce Planning and Development in State of Alaska Executive Branch Departments

2 Workforce Planning and Development Presented by the Division of Personnel and Labor Relations

3 3 What is Workforce Planning? Workforce planning is, simply stated, the  Right number of people with the  Right competencies in the  Right jobs at the  Right time to accomplish the agency’s goals and mission.

4 4 What is Workforce Planning? Workforce Planning is a systematic process for identifying and addressing the gaps between the workforce of today and the workforce of tomorrow.

5 5 What is Workforce Planning? Workforce planning is creating an integrated and ongoing strategy for ensuring an organization is prepared with the appropriate human capital to meet current and future needs.

6 6  Nearly 60% of state employees are 45 or older  Helps the state compete in today’s market  Allows decision makers to determine the workforce needed for tomorrow’s success  Gives managers the human resource information they need to manage their programs effectively Why do Workforce Planning?

7 7 Workforce Planning Steps Define the Future Analyze Current Workforce Close the Gap Monitor, Evaluate, Revise

8 8 Step One: Define the Future  Articulate the agency’s vision, mission, organizational values, and objectives.  Have a defined strategic plan for the agency  Conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis  Prepare the Demand Forecast

9 9 Determine Future Workforce Requirements  Workload changes  Program initiatives  Anticipated attrition  Roles and functions  Mission/strategy changes  Distribution

10 10  Identify any current or pending statutory, regulatory, or legislative mandates  Identify any current skills that are becoming obsolete due to new technologies  Identify new skills needed to continue with the business of the agency  Identify shifts in changing work tasks  Identify turnover rates in the current workforce Prepare the Demand Forecast

11 11 The Demand Forecast Generates:  Quantitative and qualitative data on anticipated workload and workforce changes during the planning period  Quantitative and qualitative data on future competency and skill requirements

12 12 Step Two: Analyze Current Workforce  Skills  Distribution  Demographics  Workload/Productivity  Staffing levels  Succession  Outsourcing Profile Existing Workforce

13 13 Supply Projections  Supply projection examines the current and future composition of the workforce and workload. Quantitative data on current and projected workforce Quantitative data on current and projected competencies

14 14 Supply Projections  Look at trend data Workforce Profile Hiring Patterns Retirement Patterns Turnover statistics

15 15 Identify Labor Market Influences  Labor pool decline  Changes in labor pool  Downsizing outside State Government  Changing occupation outlook

16 16 Start by learning about your agency average age of state employees

17 17 Start by learning about your agency state employees eligible for retirement

18 18 Start by learning about your agency average age of new hires

19 19 Start by learning about your agency state employees eligible to retire in 5 years

20 20 Start by learning about your agency determine the competencies that already exist in your agency Conduct general assessment of employees’ current skills Ask employees to identify career goals and future desired skill sets Review PDs and job descriptions Hold focus group interviews to determine skill and competency levels

21 21 Step Three: Close the Gap  Gap Analysis  Action Plan  Implementation Plan

22 22 Gap Analysis Use the Demand Forecast and the Supply Projections to identify differences (gaps) between where your agency is now and where it needs to be in the future

23 23 Gap Analysis  Identifies situations where future demand will exceed future supply  Identifies situations where future supply will exceed future demand  In both types of situations, your workforce plan must address eliminating these gaps

24 24 Workforce Action Plan  Develop your plan around the most mission critical gaps  Define critical job competencies  Define and redesign jobs  Define recruiting needs  Define training and development needs  Identify restructuring opportunities  Identify a timeline for making the changes  Describe how the plan will be measured (objectives)

25 25 Implementation Plan  Obtain management leadership and support  Develop change management strategy  Communicate

26 26 Obtain Management Leadership and Support  Workforce Planning should be viewed as a significant piece of an agency’s strategic plan  Senior-level management should lead the planning process  Agency’s program managers will gain the most benefit from the plan

27 27 Develop Change Management Strategy  Change must be managed  Change involves all stakeholders in the agency  Objective view of the change is needed—often agencies will contract out for some portion of the Workforce Planning process.

28 28 Communicate  Make the process transparent—let your employees know what’s going on  Let your employees know what’s in it for them  Planning for future workforce needs is an excellent time to offer career growth and opportunities to current employees

29 29 Step Four: Monitor, Evaluate, Revise Monitor  Continuously monitor the plan and consider any internal or external developments that may affect the action plan. Consider upcoming legislation, budgetary concerns, and other external developments Monitor projections to determine if current conditions meet projections

30 30 Evaluate  Obtain feedback about the action plan and how it is working Meetings Surveys Interviews Focus groups

31 31 Evaluate  Measure the results of the plan Do the gaps still exist? Are skills being developed? Are staffing levels adequate to perform the critical mission of the agency? Do new hires possess the needed competencies? Celebrate achievements!

32 32 Revise  Make necessary revisions  Communicate changes  Report on accomplishments

33 33 Typical Workforce Planning Issues to Overcome  No commitment from agency leadership to provide the necessary staff  Doing it half-heartedly - Do it right, or not at all.  Not including agency employees  Wanting it too quickly.  Lack of available data.

34 34 Summary  Make workforce planning part of your overall strategic planning effort.  Assess the urgency of your division’s particular situation; gear your effort to that level of urgency.  If urgent, begin now. Ask for help. Do it right!

35 35 Available Resources Publications  Workforce Planning Agency Reference and Guide  Workforce Planning Quick Reference  HR Update monthly newsletter  Annual Workforce Profile

36 36 Available Resources Tools  Knowledge Transfer tools  Succession Planning Model  Skill Gap Analysis tutorial power point  Scheduled, ad hoc, and special reports  Open enrollment and customized leadership and compliance training

37 37  Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?

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