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SOCIAL MEDIA: THE INS, OUTS AND HOW-TO'S TO POSITION YOUR ORGANIZATION IABC South Carolina – Professional Development Workshop / June 5, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL MEDIA: THE INS, OUTS AND HOW-TO'S TO POSITION YOUR ORGANIZATION IABC South Carolina – Professional Development Workshop / June 5, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL MEDIA: THE INS, OUTS AND HOW-TO'S TO POSITION YOUR ORGANIZATION IABC South Carolina – Professional Development Workshop / June 5, 2012

2 Inbound v. Outbound Marketing Full infographic:

3 Inbound v. Outbound Marketing  200 million Americans have registered their phone numbers on the "Do Not Call" list  86% of people skip TV advertisements  44% of direct mail is never opened

4 Inbound v. Outbound Marketing  Inbound Marketing Benefits  Costs 62% less per lead than traditional outbound marketing  Generate more revenue

5 Inbound Marketing/Social Media Tools

6 Blogging: Just Do It  Advantages  Increases SEO  Keep target audiences informed/latest information  Allows for interaction and two-way conversations Comments, blog roll  Platforms  Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr Small businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors.

7 Blogging: Who to Watch  Best Western: You Must Be Trippin'

8 Blogging: Who to Watch  HomeGoods: OpenHouse

9 Blogging: Who to Watch  Feeding America Blog

10 Micro-blogging: AKA Twitter

11 Twitter: What It Looks Like

12 Twitter Terms  Tweet – 140 characters max!  Re-tweet  Friend/follower  Following  Hashtag (#)  i.e. #smallbiz #IABCSC #socialmedia  @ - for mentioning or replying

13 Twitter: Getting Started  Picking a username  Maximum of 15 characters  Adding a photo and bio  10x more likely to be followed after adding a photo  8x more likely to be followed after adding a bio  Finding folks to follow  Be followed

14 Twitter: Best Practices  Choose a unique, spam-free handle  Optimize SEO with links  Use keywords in bio  Create your own keywords  Use no more than 3 hashtags per tweet  Reply when appropriate  Using @ vs.@

15 Twitter: Who's Doing It Best?  Kodak @KodakCB  Southwest Airlines @SouthwestAir  Zappos @Zappos  Home Depot @HomeDepot  American RedCross @RedCross

16 Facebook

17 Facebook: What It Looks Like



20 Facebook Terms  News feed  Status  Like  Comment  Friend/friend request  Timeline

21 Facebook: Getting Started

22 Facebook: Best Practices  Optimize cover photo and profile picture  Organize apps  Use the "Highlight" feature  Add milestones  Publish and highlight visual content

23 Facebook: Who's Doing It Best?  Using the Highlight feature; pinning to the top  Starbucks  Identifying milestones  Livestrong  Cover photo  Fanta  Red Bull  Susan G. Komen for the cure

24 LinkedIn

25 LinkedIn: What It Looks Like


27 LinkedIn Lexicon  Connections  Invitations (to connect)  Groups  Company profiles

28 LinkedIn: Getting Started & Best Practices  Personal pages  Complete profile (100%)  Customize your URL  Add custom websites  Use keywords in your headline  Link to your Twitter account  Make your profile visible  Join groups  Company pages  Find your page and verify information  Assign admins  Post status updates  Add a link to your blog  Start a group

29 New Trends

30 Pinterest

31 Pinterest: What It Looks Like

32 Pinterest Phrases  Pin  Pinner  Pinboard  Repin

33 Pinterest: Best Practices  Avoid self-promotion  Post interesting visual content  Engage with others – like or comment on pins  Use hashtags (#)

34 Pinterest: Who's Doing It Best  Mashable – Infographics  Chobani yogurt  General Electric (GE)  Badass Machines  #GEInspiredMe campaign

35 YouTube

36 YouTube: Best Practices  Diversify content  Games, not contests

37 YouTube: Who’s Doing It Best  Nike  GoPro  Helmet camera POV videos  University of Phoenix Online  Student testimonials  Home Depot  How-to videos

38 QR Codes

39 Social Media Management Tools  TweetDeck  Manages Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Foursquare and Google Buzz  Best for managing 4-5 accounts  Hootsuite  Supports Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, MySpace and WordPress  Better stats available for $  CoTweet  Assigns responsibilities for follow-ups/replies  Supports Twitter and Facebook

40 Analytics  Facebook Insights  Twitter search  Bitly  LinkedIn premium accounts  SocialMention  Google Analytics

41 Additional Resources  Mashable  HubSpot  Inbound Marketing University  Social Media Examiner

42 Questions?

43 Contact Me  Lauren Todd  864/324.6342 

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