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Marxism Key figures: Karl Marx, Lenin, Antonio Gramsci (classic), Robert Cox and Immanuel Wallerstein (modern). Key idea: Economics structures political.

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Presentation on theme: "Marxism Key figures: Karl Marx, Lenin, Antonio Gramsci (classic), Robert Cox and Immanuel Wallerstein (modern). Key idea: Economics structures political."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marxism Key figures: Karl Marx, Lenin, Antonio Gramsci (classic), Robert Cox and Immanuel Wallerstein (modern). Key idea: Economics structures political and social relations. History: After the end of the Cold War, Marxist studies of IR are reinvigorated.

2 Core Tenets of Marxist Theory Totality Materialist Conception of History Liberal state is oppressive Class is the unit of analysis Action and Emancipation

3 Orthodox Marxism in World Politics Maximisation of interests through creation of norms. It accepts that the state simply represents the ruling classes (inside-out approach) States accept hegemony because they can then rule over their own proletariats. In the long run, contradictions will bring the whole system down. Liberation in sight.

4 World System Theory Key Figures: Lenin (classic) and I. Wallerstein (modern). Key Concepts: Core and Periphery. Overarching logic: capitalism drives international politics

5 World System Theory II Wallerstein introduces the concept of Semi- Periphery. The Hegemon is not the one who has military strength, but the one who has the primacy of productive efficiency. The system is doomed to collapse for 7 reasons.

6 World System Theory III -Some of the Reasons - Increasing social and economic gap between countries and within countries. Acute environmental problems. Failure if Liberalism as an ideological project. Emergence of anti-systemic forces

7 Criticism The liberal state is NOT the representative of a small elite. Consensus around norms derives from beliefs not hegemony. Marxism failed as an ideological project. Look at the system not at the domestic structure (Neo-Realism).

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