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Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3/4 Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning Jacqui Blackwell.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3/4 Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning Jacqui Blackwell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3/4 Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning Jacqui Blackwell

2 Aims & Objectives 1.Understand the term inclusive learning. 2.Understand inclusive approaches to learning & teaching. 3.Understand how to motivate & engage learners in an inclusive learning environment. 4.How to establish ground rules & promote respect for others. 5.Constructive feedback 6.How to embed numeracy,literacy and ICT skills in everything we deliver. 7.How to create a professional journal for task B.

3 What does inclusive learning mean? Inclusive learning is about involving all your learners during training, treating them equally and fairly and not directly or indirectly excluding anyone for any reason (A. Gravels)

4 Wilson (2008: 296) states Inclusion simply means ‘available to all’ Tummons (2010: 93) states Inclusive practice can be defined as an approach to teaching and learning that endeavors to encourage the fullest participation of learners.

5 Educators need to know How Do You Learn? 1.Initial assessment, verbal, written or test. 2.Learning styles questionnaires inc Honey & Munford & VAK. 3.Drivers questionnaire 4.Observation in practice 5.Assessment in practice 6.Job role (educational background) 7.Ask candidates to tell you what they know, and what their expectations are. 8.Ice breakers are often used as tools, especially when you don’t know the group. 9.Setting ground rules promotes respect for others, but also gives a candidate to express any concerns or desires from the start.




9 Motivation & Engage An initial assessment will: Enable the teacher to adapt their teaching style to meet the candidates needs. Enable the teacher to use positive reinforcement techniques throughout the session. Feedback to candidate using the correct strategy for them. Sustain interest of candidate if the correct strategy/techniques/resources are used by the teacher.

10 Francis & Gould (2009) said “ If we are to be effective in our teaching, all learners should feel part of and engaged in the particular session”. Motivation is not just about motivating the students to learn, but to encourage the learners to engage and thereby motivate themselves (Rogers et al 2010)

11 Jarvis (2010) believes that as adults have had life experiences that makes adult learners highly motivated to learn if the subject is relevant to them and that adults learning is intrinsically motivated. (Rogers et al 2010) believes that as people are social beings, then learning can be best achieved in a group, a view supported by (Mohanna et al 2004)

12 Feedback Whether you are giving formative or summative feedback, you should always aim to be constructive and supportive to your student’s. This positive reinforcement technique aids motivation, identifies areas for development and helps the student to achieve and progress. When and how do you give feedback to your current students?

13 Numeracy, Literacy & ICT How will you ensure numeracy, literacy and ICT is part of your session/course/training?

14 Lunch 30mins Group work 40mins






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