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HD44780 LCD programming From the Hardware Side

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1 HD44780 LCD programming From the Hardware Side
Design and implementation details on the way to a valid SPI-LCD interface driver

2 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Lab. 4 Use Lab. 3 SPI interface, cause the words “Happy 511 Christmas” to appear on the LCD screen (50%) 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

3 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Lab. 4 Blackfin processor Running tasks using TTCOS operating system SPI-interface Optional car control 4 wires 12 wires SPI-bus External parallel I/O 4 wires SPI-interface 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

4 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
To be tackled today What commands are necessary to control the LCD device -- HD44780? How do you send commands from the Blackfin to a LCD device over the SPI interface (Lab. 3)? How do we get the SPI timing for these commands correct so that LCD screen works properly? 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

5 LCD Connection information
13 key connections 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

6 Data Bus Connections for LCD screen
From CJ7 connector on Blackfin interface BQ0 BQ1 BQ2 BQ3 BQ4 BQ5 BQ6 BQ7 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

7 Power Connections for LCD screen
From LOGIC LAB POWER GROUND +5V 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

8 LCD operations require certain values on RS, R/W* and DBx lines
LCD COMMANDS RS R/W* DATA DB7 to DB0 ClearScreen( ) 0x01 CursorIncrease( ) 0x05 CursorMove( ) 0x10 DisplayOn( ) 0x0B WriteLetter(value) 1 value WriteLetter(‘a’) 0x61 (ascii ‘a’) WriteLetter(‘A’) 0x41 (ascii ‘A’) Writing to LCD screen W* = 0 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

9 Control Line Connections for LCD screen
From CJ8 connector on Blackfin interface BQ8 RS means command (0) or data (1) control BQ9 R/W* means Read (1) from LCD Write (0) to LCD BQ10 E Enable Normally 1 Transition 1  0  1 makes the LCD work (Meaning LCD ONLY accepts the command or data information after this line goes 1  0  1) 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

10 The “idea” of how to cause the LCD to -- Clear the screen
LCD COMMANDS RS R/W* DATA DB7 to DB0 ClearScreen( ) 0x01 That means we must send the following “voltage” signals to the LCD pins from the Blackfin RS R/W E DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB // EnableStrobe // LCD reads on high to low And we must wait after sending each “signal” for sufficient time for the LCD to work. The LCD probably works times slower than Blackfin. 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

11 To cause the “slow” LCD to Clear the screen – Actual Code
LCD COMMANDS RS R/W* DATA DB7 to DB0 ClearScreen( ) 0x01 That means we must send the following “voltage” signals to the LCD pins RS R/W E DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB WasteSomeTimeCPP( ) // EnableStrobe WasteSomeTimeCPP( ) 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

12 Complete LCD Command Instruction set
4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

13 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
SKIP -- Details of what is needed to make each LCD instruction in last slide work These are “LCD” instructions NOT Blackfin instructions. We must code the Blackfin to send these instructions to LCD 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

14 LCD Command Instruction set
For some commands the LCD is very slow ms For other commands the LCD is faster ms = 40 us Remember the Blackfin instruction is around ms = 2 ns 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

15 To cause the LCD to Clear the screen
LCD COMMANDS RS R/W DATA DB7 to DB0 ClearScreen( ) 0x01 That means we must send the following “voltage” signals to the LCD pins RS R/W E DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB Wait(1.64 ms ) Only one wait is really needed this long – Refactor later // EnableStrobe Wait( 1.64 ms ) -- Only one wait is really needed this long – Refactor later Wait( 1.64 ms) -- Only wait is really needed this long – Refactor later 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

16 To cause the LCD to write the letter ‘A’ on its screen
LCD COMMANDS RS R/W DATA DB7 to DB0 WriteLetter(value) 1 value WriteLetter(‘a’) 0x61 That means we must send the following “voltage” signals to the LCD pins RS R/W E DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB Wait( 40 us) // EnableStrobe Wait( 40 us) 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

17 Bit patterns to send a character
Complicated or not? How do the letter bit patterns for the LCD data patterns relate to ASCII bit patterns? standard format used to store characters in a C++ character array? Just copy from an array onto the LCD data pins To cause “A” to appear on LCD screen need bit pattern = 0x41 sent to LCD data pins WriteSPI(‘A’); Also send the necessary LCD control signals (EN / RS) 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

18 Alpha-numeric ascii code ‘A’ to ‘Z’, ‘a’ to ‘z’
4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

19 Alpha-numeric ascii code 0 through 9, ( ) etc
4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

20 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Problem – we need 22 lines (11 in / 11 out) to control LCD – and we don’t have them on the Blackfin 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

21 Solution – Setup LCD as SLAVE device Master (Blackfin) / Slave (LCD) concept
Will not work LCD was set up as a PARALLEL DEVICE – many lines at one time Not capable of SPI usage directly MOSI --MASTER OUT – SLAVE IN 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

22 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Solution There is a standard chip (Name ?????) that is capable of Receiving (serial) signals from the Blackfin over the MOSI wire Converting those serial signals (16 signals -- received one at a time) into a parallel signal (16 signals -- sent all at once) Sending the PARALLEL voltage signals to the LCD This chip has been designed into the Logic Station Blackfin interface (is not part of the Blackfin itself) All we need to do is attach 11 wires from the interface to the LED Attach 4 wires from the SPI interface to the Blackfin MOSI lines Program the Blackfin SPI interface and “GO” 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

23 Lots of stuff has to happen in the correct order
From the Blackfin data manual Putting data into the Blackfin SPI_TDBR register causes the data to be transmitted over the MOSI line “automatically” SPI_TDBR means Serial Peripheral Interface Transmit Data Buffer Register 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

24 Known facts -- MOSI data starts being transmitted from Blackfin THE MOMENT that ANY data is written to Blackfin SPI_TDBR register SPI_TDBR Blackfin Processor SPI_RXBR SLAVE SELECT PF5 used (PF1 to PF7) SPI CLOCK MOSI MISO SLAVE OUTPUT INTERFACE SLAVE INPUT INTERFACE LOAD Slave to LCD DATA SWITCHES (LOGIC LAB) CONTROL LCD SCREEN CJ7 / CJ8 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

25 Lots of stuff has to happen in the correct order
Putting (8 or 16 bit parallel) data into the Blackfin SPI_TDBR register causes the (1-bit serial) data stream to be transmitted over the MOSI line automatically  However the external device will ignore the command unless the slave select line is held low  4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

26 Known facts -- MOSI data is accepted by the SLAVE IF slave-select is active low – set PF5 to low – Master/Slave SPI_TDBR Blackfin Processor SPI_RXBR SLAVE SELECT PF5 used (PF1 to PF7) Can be made to happen “automatically” SPI CLOCK MOSI MISO SLAVE OUTPUT INTERFACE SLAVE INPUT INTERFACE LOAD Slave to LCD DATA SWITCHES (LOGIC LAB) CONTROL LCD SCREEN CJ7 / CJ8 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

27 Lots of stuff has to happen in the correct order
Putting data into the Blackfin SPI_TDBR register causes the data to be transmitted over the MOSI line  However the external device will ACCEPT the command if the slave select line PF5 line is AUTOMATICALLY SET LOW by the Blackfin before the transmission is started.  When transmission is ended (16-bits sent) then the slave select line PF5 line is AUTOMATICALLY SET HIGH by the Blackfin  or  ???? 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

28 Known facts – The SLAVE only sends the data to the LCD screen when the PF5 line goes from low to high – interface design SPI_TDBR Blackfin Processor SPI_RXBR SLAVE SELECT PF5 used (PF1 to PF7) SPI CLOCK MOSI MISO SLAVE OUTPUT INTERFACE SLAVE INPUT INTERFACE LOAD Slave to LCD DATA SWITCHES (LOGIC LAB) CONTROL LCD SCREEN CJ7 / CJ8 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

29 Lots of stuff has to happen in the correct order
Putting data into the Blackfin SPI_TDBR register causes the data to be transmitted over the MOSI line  However the external device will ACCEPT the command as the slave select line PF5 line is AUTOMATICALLY SET LOW by the Blackfin before the transmission is started.  When transmission is ended (16-bits sent) then the slave select line PF5 line is AUTOMATICALLY SET HIGH by the Blackfin  As PF5 line goes high the data sent by the Blackfin over the MOSI line to the special interface is transferred to the LCD  Everything in the garden is wonderful – most stuff happening automatically -- we just have to wire it correctly !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL? we have to do is make it happen!  4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

30 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Blackfin must be coded to transmit 16 bits with THIS format over the MOSI line DB7, DB6, ………DB1, DB0 E – Enable / Strobe 1  0 – When this line goes from high to the low, then the command is send to (latched into) LCD To make LCD respond to command 0x4F0 Then Blackfin must transmit 0x5F0 ( E High ) 0x4F0 ( E low ) 0x5F0 ( E high ) RS 1 – LCD data 0 – LCD instruction R/W 1 – Read from LCD 0 – Write to LCD 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

31 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Design the controls signals and data signals to ‘Clear the screen’ and then send the char string “511” to LCD Reminder – sequence to sent the letter ‘a” to the screen RS R/W E DB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB3 DB2 DB1 DB // EnableStobe ClearScreen ‘5’ ‘1’ 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

32 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Tackled today What commands are necessary to control the LCD device -- HD44780? How do you send commands from the Blackfin to a LCD device? How do we get the timing correct? 4/20/2017 SPI and LCD , Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada

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