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Do Now 1)What was the significant ruling made in Brown v Board of Education? 2) What problems might African American students face now that schools are.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1)What was the significant ruling made in Brown v Board of Education? 2) What problems might African American students face now that schools are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1)What was the significant ruling made in Brown v Board of Education? 2) What problems might African American students face now that schools are integrated?

2 Reminders Civil Rights Interview Project due NEXT FRIDAY!

3 10.2- Little Rock

4 Segregated Schools Many white people in the 21 states with segregated schools strongly opposed school integration. Some promised to block school integration and refused to integrate. Schools were refusing to desegregate and protests against integration took place throughout the South.


6 Little Rock Nine Little Rock, Arkansas 1957- the school board allowed 9 black students to attend the city’s white Central High School. The governor of Arkansas called in the National Guard to block the nine students from entering the school.


8 Video Clip

9 For three weeks the National Guard prevented the nine students from going to school. President Eisenhower sent more than a thousand federal troops to Little Rock to end the standoff. September 25, 1957- federal troops escorted the nine students into the school.

10 Guided Practice Photo Analysis

11 Independent Practice 1) Read the letter you were assigned written to the President during the Little Rock Crisis. 2) Answer the questions

12 Homework Civil Rights Interview Questions

13 Exit Ticket 1) Who were the Little Rock Nine? 2) Why do you think they were willing to put up with so much to attend school?

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