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By Ryan Etwaroo. Social networking sites and communication  Social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Instagram are used by many people to talk.

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Presentation on theme: "By Ryan Etwaroo. Social networking sites and communication  Social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Instagram are used by many people to talk."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Ryan Etwaroo

2 Social networking sites and communication  Social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Skype and Instagram are used by many people to talk to each other.  On most social websites you can put photographs and statuses of yourself and other people.  Facebook reached 1.1 billion users as of may 2,2013 Key terms: Netiquette Profile Online community Virtual world Chatroom

3 Real-time information  There are lots of places to see real –time information like bbc weather, train departure times.  Real-time information is where the information changes very quickly.

4 Virtual shopping and auctioning  People today prefer to use virtual shopping and auctioning to buy and sell items.  You can buy lots of interesting things from games to household items to car parts.  Did you know that ebay’s most expensive item is a jet.

5 Online gaming  Online gaming is one of the biggest industries today with millions of games from first person shooter games to puzzle games.  Online game stores such as steam and origin use the cloud save system.  Did you know that Grand theft auto 5 made 1 billion dollars of sales in 3 days (16 million copies of the game)

6 Virtual learning environments  Fronter is a virtual school learning environment.  You can do a degree and qualify online through a virtual lectures.  Also you can do an open university course online, many adults today do this.

7 Government You can now do your tax returns online now and you are able to vote online. There are also online applications for services like getting benefits. You can also do revenue collection online now.

8 Online documents When you upload/download files you have to the compress(.zip) files. The 3 advantages of using an online software are: Collaborative working, sharing documents and automatic backup. You can compare the use of online software for the creation of documents.

9 Online communication Online you can publish and access information, like blogs and vlogs. There are virtual learning environments (VLE) in education. Social networking sites to share information and build online communities. Key terms: Netiquette Profile Online community Virtual world chatroom

10 Data storage  Online you can use spread sheets and

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