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Your Professional Network Powered by NCURA By: Stephanie Moore NCURA Community Curator.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Professional Network Powered by NCURA By: Stephanie Moore NCURA Community Curator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Professional Network Powered by NCURA By: Stephanie Moore NCURA Community Curator

2 Connect with a community of like-minded colleagues Get access to resources for your programs, funding and professional development Enhance your professional status through sharing and dialogue Allows you to have access to live information right when you need it. Benefits of being a Collaborate member?

3  Secure personal profile for the network directory.  What should you include: Connect your other social media pages to your profile Upload personal picture Set personal information preferences Share your bio, accomplishments and interest Your Professional Profile Card

4 Each community will house the following features:  Directory- allows members to connect and maintain relationships with other industry colleagues.  Discussion Groups (eGroups)- allows members and groups to control and mange their own listservs and archive messages online.  Resource Library- allows members to upload and download files and publish their own content to build interactive libraries. Connected Community Features

5 Build relationships and contacts list called Connections Advanced and Basic Search Tools to find members Send direct messages to contacts Collaborate Directory “Search and Connect with other Members”

6 Discussion(egroups) and Libraries Resources  Join/Subscribe to listservs  Create and comment on Blogs  Post messages with attachments  Real time, instant, and active responses of an email listservs.  Download training materials, documentation and videos  Members can find archived version of files.

7 Collaborate Mobile App Mobile Membership is the only association app that works on multiple mobile devices including; iPhone/iTouch, BlackBerry, and Google Android. View the directory and connect with other members from your phones Add anyone to your mobile address book with one click Automatically receive updated contact information whenever another member updates their member profile Add links and connect with other members on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, personal blogs & more

8 If you have any questions or comments please contact me at: (202) 466-3894 Thank you!

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