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Northampton Community College Developed by: Michelle Adams Cezanne Colvin Ramy El Khoury Nadine Morgan Giancarlo Sánchez.

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2 Northampton Community College Developed by: Michelle Adams Cezanne Colvin Ramy El Khoury Nadine Morgan Giancarlo Sánchez

3 What to do? Has anyone ever been in a flood before? Apart from rainfall, what are the other types of disasters that can cause floods to occur? The Emergency alarm goes OFF, what is your first step?

4 Recognizing warning systems and signals Do you really know how deep and fast the water is? How long does it take for a flood to develop ?

5 Turn around don’t drown What could be in the water when it overflows?

6 Flood Kit. What do you think is the most important item to have while being stuck in your house during a flood and why?

7 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Recommended Flood Emergency Kit Water (one gallon per person per day) Non-perishable food (dried or canned, enough for 3 days) Battery-powered radio (and extra batteries) Flashlight First aid kit Whistle (to alert rescue personnel to your location) Moist towlettes Wrench or pliers (to turn off water and electricity) Non-electric can opener Flashlight Garbage bags and plastic ties (to protect yourself and your belongings from cold and wet conditions)

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