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Winter Survival Kit Maria Thompson '15 Hoyum Director's Assistant.

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1 Winter Survival Kit Maria Thompson '15 Hoyum Director's Assistant

2 Maria’s Declassified: Winter Survival Kit

3 A few notes about my board I go to school in an area that gets very cold and a fair amount of snow. It’s important to have an emergency kit just in case you do get stranded As always, make sure you change the information to make it most applicable to your residents. Hope this is helpful!

4 #1#2 Blanket Let’s face it… if you get stranded, you’re going to need to stay warm some how! Extra hats & mittens They don’t take much room and will help keep you stay warm!

5 #3#4 Lighter or waterproof matches Something to start a fire with, just in case you do get stuck in the cold! Shovel To dig yourself out of trouble… quite literally!

6 #5#6 Cat litter or sand Keep a bag in your vehicle to help your wheels gain traction when stuck! Drinking water It’s always a good idea to have some water on hand, good to drink, or cook with depending on how long you’re stuck!

7 #7#8 Food Keep energy bars, cans of soup and can opener, or other non-perishable items. You never know they might just come in handy! Whistle A whistle can be heard much further than you yelling for help. Invest in one and keep it in your car!

8 #9#10 Mirror Not for you to gussy up with… for you to signal help! Flashlight Also can be used to signal for help, but also for you to see in the dark. Extra batteries too of course!

9 #12 #11 Red Handkerchief To help you flag down some help. Maps and Compass? Now that many people have smartphones… you may not know how to use a map and compass, but if you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere (with no service), it might be useful to know how!

10 #14 #13 Knife Even if you’re not stranded… having a knife may come in handy one day. Snow brush and ice scraper A winter must have! Might as well invest in a good one, it’s going to be a long winter without it (or even with it)

11 #15 Rope It has many uses, but can serve as a guide in case you have to venture away from your car in a blizzard!

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