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Intelligence and Creativity 2nd November. Definition of intelligence  The ability to learn from experience  The ability to adjust to the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligence and Creativity 2nd November. Definition of intelligence  The ability to learn from experience  The ability to adjust to the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligence and Creativity 2nd November

2 Definition of intelligence  The ability to learn from experience  The ability to adjust to the environment  The ability to use metacognition

3 History of intelligence testing  Francis Galton: differences in brain efficiency (1880)  Binet a Simon: Binet’s Mental Age Scale (1911)


5 William Stern: intelligence quotient - IQ (1912)  IQ = MA/ChA x 100  nowadays we use deviation IQ

6 Normal distribution of scores on IQ tests. Average 100 857055 115130 145 A CB 2%2% 13,5% 34% 13,5% 2%2% 34%

7 The structure of intelligence  Charles Spearman (1927) general factor g special factors s (e.g. arithmetic computing…)  Louis Thurstone (1938) 7 primary mental abilities  Raymond Cattel (1971) 2 subfactors: fluid and crystallized intelligence

8 Intelligence tests  The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale  The Wechsler Tests  I-S-T Amthauer’s Intelligence Structure Test

9 I-S-T 2000 R  Basic module: verbal intelligence numeric intelligence figural intelligence memory cognitive abilities  Expanded module: verbally coded knowledge numerically coded knowledge knowledge crystallized intelligence fluid intelligence

10 The core of the intelligence?  speed and accuracy of information processing ?neuronal speed? like reaction time  neuronal efficiency during the solving of the hard task, more intelligent people’s brains utilize more glucose (easy task - less)  mental operations like planning

11 Howard Gardner (1999): Multidimensional intelligence  language ability  mathematical-logical reasoning  spatial-perceptual skills  musical ability  bodily ability  intrapersonal ability  interpersonal ability

12 Culture fair tests  Catell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test  Counterbalance General Intelligence Test  … no general success, agreement…

13 Race Differences ???  Lynn, R. Race differences in Intelligence: An Evolutionary Analysis. Washington Summit Books: Augusta, 2005

14 Race differences/ average IQ  East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans): 105  Europeans: 100  Inuit or Eskimos: 91  South East Asians: 87  Native American Indians: 87  Pacific Islanders: 85  South Asians and North Africans: 84  Sahara Africans: 67  Australian Aborigines: 62  Bushman of the Kalahari, Pygmies of the Congo rain forest: 54

15 Correlates with (reliability):  achievement in math and science  national economic development (rich and poor nations)  explain how quickly populations made the Neolithic transition

16 Causes of the race differences?  50% genetics  consistency of racial IQ in different locations  nutrition: Black and Whites in America have the same height since the 1st world war  Evolutionary analysis: species have evolved greater intelligence in order to survive in more cognitively demanding environments… cold weather

17 Creativity  the proces of creating of something which is original as well as valuable  minimum IQ of 120? + motivation!!! + special abilities?

18 Tests of creativity  Urbanův figurální test tvořivého myšlení (Urban’s figural test of creative thinking)  Consequence test  Remote Associate Test  Unusual Uses Test  Word Association Test

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