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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL COUNCIL Inc. Weatherize Worcester."— Presentation transcript:


2 Know where your electricity comes from You have the power to choose clean, local electricity sources. Depending on your utility company, you may be able to support renewable energy sources right on your electric bill. Your contributions might even be tax-deductible. Have a south-facing roof? Consider installing a solar energy system to start producing your own energy. Stop wasting money on energy Your energy savings begin with a no-cost, in-home energy assessment. Free air sealing, rebates (towards insulation, heating systems, hot water, etc.), and no-interest loans make having a comfortable home or office easy and affordable. Save money on new, efficient appliances too. We can help you start saving today. Let us help We know all of the choices may seem a little overwhelming. !!!!! is here to help you sort through your options, as you start towards your clean energy future.

3 Why are people not doing efficiency work? Afraid it will be too expensive Too complicated Lack of awareness I will sell my house soon Need permission from landlords Difficult to change custom and habit

4 Weatherize Worcester Target 5 lowest income neighborhoods Energy Efficiency as a Environmental Justice issue Educate residents about low cost energy saving measures Encourage folks to sign up for free energy audits Encourage folks to do deeper energy retrofits Build relationships between landlords and tenants during audit and weatherization

5 What we need to know Resources for current weatherization programs in the state are not equitably distributed. Rising cost of utilities. Typical MA home spends about $1900 a month on home utility bills. Weatherization reduces the dependent on fossil fuels and reduces cost burden on families Less fossil fuels reduces climate change challenges

6 Energy Trends Increase of Mass Save audits National Grid and NSTAR Increase in eligibility for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program o “For 2010-2011 there are 9049 households eligible within Worcester zip codes. Some of these units have been weatherized over the past years through the Low- Income Weatherization Program/Utility Conservation programs. Over the past 5 years the number of households eligible for LIHEAP has gone up each year and we saw a large increase in fy2009 when the state increased the income eligibility to 60% of state median income. The HWAP, DOEWAP, and AMP’s programs are all based off the LIHEAP eligibility.” Personal communication, Mark Sanborn, WCAC, 2011 Personal communication, William Stack Residential Energy Efficiency Program, NSTAR, 2011

7 Tips to Save Energy Today Easy low-cost and no-cost ways to save energy Install a programmable thermostat to keep your house comfortably during Summer and winter Turn off your computer and monitor Use compact fluorescent light bulbs with the ENERGY STAR® label. Look for the ENERGY STAR label on home appliances and products Unplug home electronics such as TVs, Computer games, and DVD players when not in use

8 What do people lose when they do energy audit s Some one coming to your house for about 1hr or 2hrs and changing you light bulbs. People already contribute to this program through the efficiency charges on your utility bills Reduces fossils fuels and enjoy a cleaner environment. Reduces the cost burden families

9 How can people participate? sign up for free energy audit. Engage in low cost energy efficiency measures. Follow through with deeper retrofit recommendations. People can contact Koby or Benito at the Regional Environmental Council (5087999139 or 5087568585)

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