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Forestry Career Development Event

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1 Forestry Career Development Event
Tree Identification Forestry Career Development Event

2 Trees that losses their leaves in the Fall
Deciduous Trees Trees that losses their leaves in the Fall

3 Simple Leaves

4 American Beech

5 American Hornbeam Smooth bark that looks like muscles

6 Black Cherry Most likely will have black spots on leaves

7 Black Tupelo

8 Blackjack Oak

9 Eastern Redbud

10 Flowering Dogwood

11 Laurel Oak

12 Live Oak

13 Pin Oak

14 Post Oak

15 Red Maple

16 Red Mulberry Leaves have three different shapes

17 River Birch Has exfoliating bark

18 Sassafras Leaves have three different shapes

19 Sourwood

20 Southern Bayberry

21 Southern Magnolia

22 Southern Red Oak Has hairs on the end of lobes

23 Swamp Chestnut Oak

24 Sweetbay

25 Sweetgum Can have corky projectiles on stems, look like wings

26 Sycamore Leaves can be very large

27 Turkey Oak

28 Water Oak

29 White Oak Bark is light in color

30 Willow Oak

31 Winged Elm Most stems will have corky projectiles that look like wings

32 Yellow Hawthorn

33 Yellow-Poplar

34 Compound Leaves

35 Boxelder

36 Honeylocust Has large seed pods and large thorns, double pinnately compound

37 Pecan 13 leaflets normally

38 Mockernut Hickory 7 leaflets, where stems are broken has unique smell

39 Red Buckeye Leaves are arrange in an arc from same spot

40 Shagbark Hickory 5 leaflets, has unique smells where stem is broken

41 Evergreen

42 American Holly Broadleaf evergreen, edges are pointed

43 Baldcypress

44 Eastern Hemlock

45 Eastern Redcedar

46 Leyland Cypress

47 Loblolly Pine Needles are in bundles of 3

48 Longleaf Pine Needles are in bundles of 3

49 Pond Pine

50 Shortleaf Pine In bundles of 2 and 3

51 Slash Pine In bundles of 2 and 3

52 Cabbage Palmetto State Tree, palm tree

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