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Homecoming 101 And other High School Dances. Why do we have school dances? College & High school dances are thought to have started with Homecoming Parties.

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Presentation on theme: "Homecoming 101 And other High School Dances. Why do we have school dances? College & High school dances are thought to have started with Homecoming Parties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homecoming 101 And other High School Dances

2 Why do we have school dances? College & High school dances are thought to have started with Homecoming Parties in the early 1900s. No one is sure where exactly Homecoming started, but it was probably at the University of Missouri in 1911. That Homecoming was the first time alumni (school graduates) were invited to a football game along with a parade. But first...

3 Why do we have school dances? Schools quickly realized football + parades and dances were great for getting alumni and fans onto college campuses. Soon, Homecoming was spreading across the nation. Other dances, like Prom, started around the same time. Over the years, even more have become traditions, like the Winter & Valentines Dances. Every school has its own variations.

4 Why Should You Attend Homecoming? School dances are an integral part of American culture The more you understand the culture you are a part of the more likely you will:  Attend college  Get a good job  and untimely live a more fulfilling life!  Starting with small things (like homecoming) are the first steps toward your success.

5 The Assignment Form a group of 2-3 people. Your group will develop an invitation to the dance After you've developed an invitation to the dance, you will present the invitation idea to the class. Your group will then be assigned to respond to one of the presented invitations You'll then have to present your responses to the class Presentations will be graded by the class according to the rubric

6 Ideas for Asking

7 The Puzzle Write a message on card stock or construction paper (Don't forget to sign your own name!) Cut it into puzzle pieces and let him/her put it together You could also: Put each piece in a separate envelope and leave them in different places for him/her to find.

8 Good Fortune Write your message on a small piece of paper and slip it into a fortune cookie. Find an empty Chinese take-out box and put the cookie inside. (You can often get these for free from Chinese places if you just ask.) Deliver the box to him/her.

9 Don't be Cold Write your message on a popsicle stick and freeze it into a popsicle for her. (Clear fruit juices will be easier to read through) OR Make a popsicle-shaped card out of construction paper. What kind of message would you write?

10 Answering

11 Giving your Answer Answering can be just as creative as asking the question. What ideas would you have for a simple answer? Your answer could be a creative message given in a simple way, or a simple "yes" (or no!) given in a creative way. Or both!

12 Bad Example Play ItPlay It (3:00)

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